
Topic in Environmental Informatics

  • Jie Wang, "Distributed Information Organization and Management for Hazardous Waste Regulation Compliance Checking", Ph.D Dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ,Stanford, CA, April, 2003.
  • S. Kerrigan. "A Software Infrastructure for Regulatory Information Management and Compliance Assistance", Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, August 2003.
  • Jie Wang, James O. Leckie, Kincho H. Law and G. Wiederhold, 2004 "Distributed Information Organization and Management Framework for Regulation Compliance", Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 37), MiniTracks E-Government Cluster, 2004.
  • Jie Wang, Jian Cao, James O. Leckie, Shensheng Zhang, "Managing E-Government IT Infrastructure: An Approach Combining Autonomic Computing and Awareness   Based Collaboration", IEEE CIT'2004.
  • Jie Wang, Jian Cao, James O. Leckie, "On building Knowledge-Intensive Regulation Compliance Service: A Context Based Information Organization and Management Framework", submitted to IEEE SCC 2005, Orlando, FL, July 2005.
  • Jie Wang,   James O. Leckie, "On Building Information and Knowledge Management Systems for Sustainable Development and Environmental Informatics", submitted to 4th International Conference on Environmental Informatics, July, XiaMen, China, 2005.

Topic in Information and Knowledge Management

  • Jian Cao, Jie Wang, Shensheng Zhang, Minglu Li, "A Dynamically   Reconfigurable   System based on Workflow and Service Agents",   Journal of Engineering Application of AI, 2005.
  • Jian Cao, Jie Wang, Shensheng Zhang, Minglu Li, Kincho Law, "Engineering   Process Coordination based on Event Notification Model of Service",   IEEE GCC'2004, 2004.
  • Jian Cao, Shensheng Zhang, Jie Wang, "A Process Configuration Approach   for   Making-to-Order Enterprise", International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, 2004.
  • Jian Cao, Shensheng Zhang, Minglu Lia, Jie Wang, "Verification of Dynamic   Process Model Change to Support the Adaptive Workflow", IEEE   Conference on Service Computing SCC'2004, 2004.
  • Jian Cao, Jie Wang, Kincho Law, Shensheng Zhang, "Fulfilling End-User's   Needs: An Interactive Service Process Customization Model",    submitted to Information System and Software, 2004.
  • Jian Cao, Jie Wang, Kincho Law, Shensheng Zhang, "Policy based Task   Assignment   Strategy for Workflow-enabled Dynamic Business Process Management", submitted to Information System and Management, 2004.
  • Wan-Chun Dou, Jie Wang, Xi-Ping Lie, Juan Sun and   Shi-Jie Cai, "P2P-Based Knowledge Grid Oriented toward Cooperative Cognition". KGGI 2004, in conjunction with 2004 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence/Intelligent Agent Technology, Beijing, 2004.
  • Wan-Chun Dou, Xi-Ping Lie, Juan Sun and   Shi-Jie Cai, Jie Wang, "Concurrent Engineering Oriented Cognitive Cooperation". CE2004, Beijing. Published by Springer Verlag, 2004.
  • Jie Wang, "Towards an Automatic IT Infrastructure Management Paradigm for Manufacturing and Enterprise", Keynote speaker paper, International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Beijing, China, 2003.
  • J. Peng and J. Wang, "On-demand Services Composition and Infrastructure Management", IEEE The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing, Shanghai, China, 2003.

Topics in Tools for Dealing with Uncertainty in Environmental Decision-Making

  • Labiosa, W.B., Leckie, J.O., Shachter, R.D., Freyberg, D.L., and Rytuba, J., 2006 (in preparation).   A Decision Analytical Approach to Incorporating Scientific Uncertainty in Watershed Management Decision-Making: A Mercury TMDL Case Study.   To be submitted to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
  • Labiosa, W.B., Leckie, J.O., Shachter, R.D., Freyberg, D.L., and Rytuba, J., 2006 (in preparation).   Surface Water Quality Conceptual Models as Influence Diagrams for Total Maximum Daily Load Decision Support: A Sulphur Creek Mercury TMDL Example.   To be submitted to Water Research.
  • Labiosa, W.B., Leckie, J.O., Shachter, R.D., Freyberg, D.L., and Rytuba, J., 2006 (in preparation).   Modeling TMDL Source/Linkage Analysis Uncertainty Using Simulation and Bayesian Networks: A Mercury Case Study for Sulphur Creek in Northern California.   To be submitted to Water Research as companion paper to above.
  • Labiosa, W.B., Leckie, J.O., Shachter, R.D., Freyberg, D.L., and Rytuba, J., 2006 (in preparation).   Decision Analysis for TMDL Strategy Evaluation and Information Collection Priorization: A Sulphur Creek, CA Mercury TMDL Case Study.   To be submitted to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
  • Labiosa, William, Leckie, James, Shachter, Ross, Freyberg, David, and Rytuba, James, 2005.   Incorporating Uncertainty in Watershed Management Decision-Making: A Mercury TMDL Case Study.   ASCE Watershed Management Conference, Managing Watersheds for Human and Natural Impacts: Engineering, Ecological, and Economic Challenges. Williamsburg, VA, July 19–22, 2005.
  • Wood, A.W., Bernknopf, R., Rytuba, J., Singer, D.A., Champion, R., and Labiosa, W.B., 2005.   Offset-Based Decision-Support Models for Mitigating Mercury Sources in the Cache Creek Watershed, North-Central California.   Water Environment Federation, 2005 TMDL Conference, Philadelphia, PA , June 26-29, 2005.
  • Wood, A.W., Bernknopf, R., Labiosa, W.B., Rytuba, J., Singer, D.A., Kapla, R., and Champion, R., 2004.   Incorporating Uncertainty into Mercury-Offset Decisions with a Probabilistic Network for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Holders: An Interim Report. USGS Open File Report 2004-1408. (Available on the World Wide Web:
  • Labiosa, W.B., Leckie, J.O., Mumley, T., Rytuba, J., and Berknopf, R., 2003.   A Decision Analysis Approach to TMDL Implementation Decisions: Mercury TMDLs in the San Francisco Bay Area.   Proceedings of the National TMDL Science and Policy Specialty Conference, Water Environment Federation, November 16-19, 2003.
  • Wood, A.W., Bernknopf, R., Rytuba, J., Singer, D.A., Champion, R., and Labiosa, W.B., 2005.   An Adaptive Management Approach for Mitigating Mercury Sources under Total Maximum Daily Load Guidelines.   Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences, First International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 23–26, 2005.
  • Labiosa, W.B., J.O. Leckie , J. Rytuba , R. Shachter , 2004.   Modeling Uncertainty Using Bayesian Networks for Mercury TMDL Decision Analytical Support.   Third Biennial CALFED Science Conference, Sacramento, CA, Oct. 4 – 6, 2004.
  • William Labiosa, Ross Shachter, James Leckie, James Rytuba, and Alex Wood, 2004.   Modeling Uncertainty Using Bayesian Networks for Mercury Mitigation Decisions.   2004 Mercury Workshop, US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, Aug. 17 – 18, 2004.
  • W. B. Labiosa, R. D. Shachter, J. O. Leckie, and J. Rytuba, 2004.   A Bayesian Network-Based Decision Analysis Approach to Watershed Management Decisions,"   CORS/INFORMS International Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 16 – 19, 2004.