About Supplier / Payee Record Requests and the Supplier / Payee Request Portal

What Is a Supplier / Payee Record Request?

Any individual, company, or organization who will receive a payment from Stanford University requires a supplier / payee record within Oracle. This may include payment for purchase orders, Non-PO payments, or reimbursements to payees who do not work for Stanford.

Department administrators may request a new supplier / payee record after verifying that the supplier / payee does not already have an existing record in the Supplier Query and Request database.

If a record exists, but a new address is needed, that may also be requested by the department from within the Supplier Query and Request database. See How To: Make a Supplier / Payee Request.

Changes to contact information or a default payment method (check or ACH) should be made directly by the supplier or payee by contacting the Financial Support Center (1-650-723-2772). You will receive a link to access the Supplier Payee Request Portal to submit data securely.

What Is the Supplier / Payee Request Portal?

The Supplier / Payee Request Portal is Stanford's method to request and gather confidential data securely from suppliers and other payees. This includes information such as social security numbers or other tax ID numbers, bank account information, and forms and information for tax purposes. Please see How To: Complete a Stanford Supplier or Payee Request (use by Supplier and Authorized Agent) instructions.

Supplier / Payee Setup Request Workflow
graphic of supplier/payee request process: 1) Department Administrator verifies active supplier/payee record or requests new;  2) Supplier Enablement reviews request, sends secure portal link to supplier/payee (or preparer for foreign payees);  3) Supplier/Payee receives link and accesses portal to submit secure data; 4) Supplier Enablement creates record and notifies Department Administrator

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