Nicholas A. Melosh

Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering

Co-Director, Stanford-Chevron Program for Diamondoid Nanoscience

Email: nmelosh AT

Telephone: (650) 724-3679

Fax: (650) 736-1984

Office: McCullough Building, Room 223. 476 Lomita Mall, Stanford CA 94305

Administrative Assistant: Erin Temel, etemel AT


Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science (SLAC), Stanford University Bio-X Program, Center for Probing the Nanoscale (NSF NSEC)


Nicholas A. Melosh received his B.S. in chemistry from Harvey Mudd College in 1996. He did his graduate work on block-copolymer silica composites with Brad Chmelka and Galen Stucky at the University of California at Santa Barbara, receiving a Ph.D in materials science and engineering in 2001. His postdoctoral training was on molecular electronics and nanoscale patterning with Jim Heath at the University of California, Los Angeles and the California Institute of Technology from 2001-2003. He joined Stanford University as an assistant professor of materials science and engineering in September 2003.

Melosh's research interests include molecular electronics and plasmonics, diamondoids, dynamic self-assembly of biomolecules and lipid bilayers as nano-bio interfaces. He is a recipient of the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, the Frederick E. Terman Fellowship and the MDV Innovators Award.

Selected Publications (prior to Stanford):

Mesostructured silica/block copolymer composites as hosts for optically limiting tetraphenylporphyrin dye molecules.
N.A. Melosh, C.A. Steinbeck, B.J. Scott, R.C. Hayward, P. Davidson, G.D. Stucky, B.F. Chmelka. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 11909 (2004)

Ultra High Density Nanowire Lattices and Circuits.
N.A. Melosh, A. Boukai, F. Diana, B. Gerardot, A. Badolato, P.M. Petroff and J.R. Heath. Science, 300, 112-115 (2003)

Macroscopic Shear Alignment of Bulk Transparent Mesostructured Silica.
N.A. Melosh, P. Davidson, P. Feng, D. J. Pine and B. F. Chmelka. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123 (6), 1240-1241 (2001).

Monolithic Mesophase Silica with Large Ordering Domains.
N.A. Melosh, P. Davidson and B. F. Chmelka. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122 (5), pp 823-829 (2000).

Molecular and Mesoscopic Structures of Transparent Block Copolymer-Silica Monoliths.
N.A. Melosh, P. Lipic, F.S. Bates, G. D. Stucky, F. Wudl, G. H. Fredrickson and B. F. Chmelka. Macromolecules. 32 (13), 4332-4342 (1999)