Title VI

Title VI

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs that receive federal funding.  BART is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities.  BART is required to submit a Title VI Civil Rights Program to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) every three years. The Title VI Program documents that services and benefits are provided in a nondiscriminatory basis and must be approved by BART’s Board of Directors prior to submission to FTA.

BART Plus Ticket to be Discontinued

Effective January 1, 2016, the BART Plus ticket will no longer be accepted on buses or BART.

  • BART Plus ticket users can switch to Clipper® to pay their fares. Clipper® is currently accepted on BART and will be accepted before January 1, 2016 on the following buses: County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT, and Wheels.
  • Clipper® offers these discounted fare products: BART High Value Discount Ticket (valid only on BART), bus passes, and the East Bay Value Pass ($60 monthly pass accepted on County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT, and Wheels).

Se dejará de aceptar el boleto BART Plus

A partir del 1º de enero de 2016, el boleto BART Plus dejará de ser aceptado en los autobuses y en BART.

  • Los usuarios de boletos BART Plus pueden cambiar a Clipper® para pagar sus recorridos. BART actualmente acepta Clipper® y antes del 1º de enero de 2016 la tarjeta Clipper será aceptada en los siguientes autobuses: County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT y Wheels.
  • Clipper® ofrece estas tarifas con descuento: BART High Value Discount Ticket (válido sólo en BART), pases de autobús y East Bay Value Pass (pase mensual de $60 aceptado en County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT y Wheels).

即將停用BART Plus套票

自2016年1月1日起,公車及舊金山灣區捷運局(BART)均不再接受BART Plus套票。

  • BART Plus套票的使用者可改用Clipper®卡支付車費。Clipper®目前可用於BART,在2016年1月 1日前亦可在下列公車使用:County Connection、Tri Delta Transit、WestCAT 和 Wheels。
  • Clipper®提供以下折扣票價產品:BART高價值折扣車票(High Value Discount Ticket,僅可用於 BART)、公車月票,以及東灣優惠月票(East Bay Value Pass,可用於County Connection、Tri Delta Transit、WestCAT和Wheels的$60月票)。


Warm Springs Extension Title VI Equity Analysis and Public Participation Report

The Warm Springs Extension (Project) will add 5.4-miles of new track from the existing Fremont Station south to a new station in the Warm Springs district of the City of Fremont, extending BART’s service in southern Alameda County. For more information on the Project please visit the Warm Springs Extension project page.

The attached Warm Springs Extension Title VI Equity Analysis and Public Participation Report, approved by the BART Board on May 14, 2015, conforms with the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Title VI Circular and finds that the Project's proposed service and fare plan will not result in a disparate impact on minority populations or a disproportionate burden on low-income populations based on BART’s Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Policy (DI/DB Policy). The attached Final DI.DB Policy.pdf  was adopted by the BART Board on July 11, 2013.

Hard copies of the report are available upon request to the Office of Civil Rights:

300 Lakeside Drive, 16th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612.

Telephone (510) 464-6752 Fax (510) 464-7587



Below-Inflation Fare Increase to Fund Capital Priorities Scheduled for January 2016 Spanish (En Español) ● Chinese (在中文)

BART has a program of small regular fare increases to generate revenue to help fund the system’s extensive capital needs, with the next increase scheduled for January 1, 2016.  The increase amount is determined by averaging national and local inflation over a two-year period and then subtracting 0.5% to account for BART’s productivity improvements. This calculation results in a 2016 fare increase of 3.4%, with fares rounded to the nearest nickel.  All new revenue from the fare increase goes to BART’s highest priority capital needs including new rail cars, an automated train control system, and an expanded maintenance facility.

Below are some examples of current fares and fares effective next January:

Please see below for more information on BART’s capital needs and productivity-adjusted inflation-based fare increase program see below.

Short Range Transit Plan/Capital Improvement Program:

English ● Spanish (En Español) ● Chinese (在中文)

BART's Inflation Based Fare Increase Program:

English ● Spanish (En Español) ● Chinese (在中文)

BART's Inflation Based Fare Increase Program Webinar Available You Tube:

English ● Spanish (En Español)  ● Chinese (在中文)

BART-to-Oakland International Airport Title VI Equity Analysis

The BART-to-Oakland International Airport Project (Project) is a 3.2 mile Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) system which will provide a rapid transit link between the Coliseum Station and the Oakland International Airport Station (OAK). Currently, the AirBART bus service transports passengers between Coliseum Station and the Oakland International Airport. The Project is a new service and once revenue service begins, AirBART will cease operations.  For more information on the Project please visit the Oakland Airport Connector project page.

The attached report BART to Oakland Intl Airport Title VI Equity Analysis.pdf conforms to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI Circular and determines whether the Project’s fare and service will have a disparate impact on minority populations or a disproportionate burden on low-income populations based on BART’s Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Policy (DI/DB Policy). The attached Final DI.DB Policy.pdf  was adopted by the BART Board on July 11, 2013.

Hard copies of the report are available upon request to the Office of Civil Rights:

300 Lakeside Drive, 16th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612.

Telephone (510) 464-6752 Fax (510)464-7587


The final report will be brought to the BART Board for approval at the May 8, 2014 Board meeting, at which time the public may also provide comments.

Title VI Civil Rights Program 2013 Triennial Update

A complete copy of BART’s Board approved Title VI Civil Rights Program 2013 Triennial Update is attached Civil Rights Program 2013 Triennial Update FINAL SUBMITTED.pdf . Hard copies are available upon request to the Office of Civil Rights:  300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 1800, Oakland, CA 94612.  Telephone (510)464-6752 Fax (510) 464-7587, or by email: officeofcivilrights@bart.gov.

BART Public Participation Plan

To order to expand public access to our transportation decision-making process, BART initiated an intensive community involvement process and planning effort to develop this Public Participation Plan (PPP). Read more...

Making a Title VI Complaint

Any person who believes he or she has been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with BART. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with BART within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. For information on how to file a complaint, review the files below.

Title VI Legal Size Poster

ARABIC  09-12-29 العنوان 6 الإعلان بحجم 8.5 14 بوصة

BOSNIAN  Title VI poster u legal velicini 12-29-09


CHINESE  第六章的标语-法定规格 12-29-09

ENGLISH Title VI Legal Size Poster Rev. 12-29-09

FARSI  پوستر ماده 6 در قطع لیگال 12-29-09

FRENCH  Titre VI Affiche Taille Legal 12-29-09

GERMAN  Title VI Poster Papierformat Legal 12-29-09

GREEK  Πόστερ τίτλου VI, μεγέθους 216 x 356 mm 12-29-09

GUJARATI  ટાઇટલ VI પોસ્ટર – કાયદાકીય રીતે સ્વીકૃત કદ 12-29-09

HINDI  टाइटल VI पोस्टर कानूनी तौर पर स्वीकृत आकार 12-29-09

ITALIAN  Titolo VI Poster Dimensioni Legali 12-29-09

JAPANESE  タイトル6 大判ポスター 12-29-09

KOREAN  제VI편 포스터, 리걸 사이즈 12-29-09

LAOTIAN  ປ້າຍພົສ ເຕີ ກ່ຽວກັບມາດຕາ (TITLE) VI ຂະໜາດຍາວ 12-29-09

POLISH  Plakat o przestrzeganiu Art. VI, rozmiar legal 12-29-09

PORTUGUESE  Título VI Tamanho Legal 12-29-09

RUSSIAN  Постер по Разделу VI формата Legal 12-29-09

SPANISH  Título VI Poster Tamaño Legal 12-29-09

TAGALOG  Poster ukol sa Title VI na Legal Size 12-29-09

THAI  ลักษณะ 6 โปสเตอร์ขนาดมาตรฐาน 12-29-09

URDU  09-12-29 ٹائٹل 6 کا پوسٹر بڑے سائز میں

VIETNAMESE  Bích Chương Về Tựa Đề VI Cỡ Nhỏ 12-29-09

Title VI Brochure

ARABIC  9-18-09 العنوان 6 النشرة بعد المراجعة

BOSNIAN  Prilagodjena Title VI Brosura 9-18-09


CHINESE  第六章的手册-修订 9-18-09

FARSI  نسخه تجدیدنظر شده بروشور ماده 6 9-18-09

ENGLISH  Title VI Brochure Rev. 9-18-09

FRENCH  Titre VI Brochure Révisée 9-18-09

GERMAN  Title VI Broschüre Aktualisiert 9-18-09

GREEK  Αναθεωρημένο φυλλάδιο τίτλου VΙ 9-18-09

GUJARATI  ટાઇટલ VI માહિતી પત્રિકા – સંશોધિત 9-18-09

HINDI  टाइटल VI जानकारी पत्रिका संशोधित 9-18-09

ITALIAN  Titolo VI Fascicolo Rivisto 9-18-09

JAPANESE  タイトル6 改訂版パンフレット 9-18-09

KOREAN  제VI편 팜플렛, 개정 9-18-09

LAOTIAN  ປື້ມກ່ຽວກັບມາດຕາ (TITLE) VI ທີ່ ໄດ້ ຖືກ ດັດ ແກ້ 9-18-09

POLISH  Zaktualizowana broszura o przestrzeganiu Art. 9-18-09

PORTUGUESE  Título VI Folheto Revisto 9-18-09

RUSSIAN  Новая редакция брошюры по Разделу VI 9-18-09

SPANISH  Título VI Folleto Revisado 9-18-09

TAGALOG  Binagong Brochure ukol sa Title VI 9-18-09

THAI  ลักษณะ 6 เอกสารฉบับแก้ไข 9-18-09

URDU  نظرثانی شدہ ٹائٹل 6 بروشر 9-18-09

VIETNAMESE  Quyển Thông Tin Về Tựa Đề VI Đã Được Sửa Đổi 9-18-09

Title VI Complaint Form

ARABIC  العنوان 6 نموذج الشكوى بعد المراجعة 08-2009

BOSNIAN  Prilagodjen Title IV obrazac za zalbe 08-2009


CHINESE  第六章的申诉表-修订 08-2009

FARSI  نسخه تجدیدنظر شده فرم شکایت ماده 6 08-2009

ENGLISH  Title VI Complaint Form Rev. 08-09

FRENCH  Titre VI Formulaire de Plainte Révisée 08-2009

GERMAN  Title VI Beschwerdeformular Aktualisiert 08-2009

GREEK  Αναθεωρημένο έντυπο καταγγελιών βάσει τίτλου VI 08-2009

GUJARATI  ટાઇટલ VI ફરિયાદ માટેનું ફૉર્મ – સંશોધિત 08-2009

HINDI  टाइटल VI शिक़ायत फॉर्म संशोधित 08-2009

ITALIAN  Titolo VI Formulario di Denuncia Rivisto 08-2009

JAPANESE  タイトル6 改訂版苦情申請フォーム 08-2009

KOREAN  제VI편 불만 제기 양식, 개정 08-2009

LAOTIAN  ແບບ ຟອມຄຳ ຂໍ ຮ້ອງ ຮຽນສຳລັບ ມາດຕາ (TITLE) VI 08-2009

POLISH  Zaktualizowany formularz skargi dla nauszeń 08-2009

PORTUGUESE  Título VI Formulário Reclamação Revisto 08-2009

RUSSIAN  Новая редакция формы жалобы по Разделу VI 08-2009

SPANISH  Título VI Formulario Queja Revisado 08-2009

TAGALOG  Binagong Form na Pagreklamo ukol sa Title VI 08-2009

THAI  ลักษณะ 6 แบบฟอร์มคำร้องเรียนฉบับแก้ไข 08-2009

URDU  2009-08 نظرثانی شدہ ٹائٹل 6 کا شکایتی فارم

VIETNAMESE  Mẫu Đơn Than Phiền Về Tựa Đề VI Đã Được Sửa Đổi 08-2009