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Letter Head: Jack O'Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, California Department of Education

August 31, 2010

Dear Select CBEDS Coordinators:


The California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) is a statewide data collection that gathers basic demographic information on schools and students from local educational agencies (LEAs). These data are collected through an Online Reporting Application (ORA). The CBEDS data are to be collected as of Information Day, October 6, 2010, and completed online by LEAs on or before October 29, 2010. This mailing includes the information your LEA will need to complete the 2010 CBEDS data collection.

CBEDS Coordinator’s Responsibilities

It is the CBEDS coordinator’s responsibility to provide the assistance schools need to collect the CBEDS data. The coordinator is responsible for:

  • reviewing the List of Expected Schools and working with the LEA’s CDS coordinator to report school closures, school name changes, and grade-span changes;
  • ensuring that the data for all schools in the LEA are submitted using the CBEDS-ORA;
  • sending summary reports to appropriate staff for review;
  • correcting all data errors and resolving warnings, if needed; 
  • updating the CBEDS contact information using the CBEDS-ORA (if the coordinator changes).

LEA Schools Expected to Submit Data

The List of Expected Schools contains a list of schools in your LEA that are open and expected to submit CBEDS data. The accuracy of the list is critical in the submission of your data as inaccurate information may prevent the processing of your data. To verify the List of Expected Schools is up-to-date, logon to the CBEDS-ORA at Enter the user name and password enclosed on the CBEDS Online Reporting Application User Name and Password sheet and select “Logon.” Then select the “CBEDS-ORA List of Expected Schools” option from the Main Menu. If the List of Expected Schools is not accurate, please follow the instructions provided on the List of Expected Schools for making corrections.

Data Submitted through the CBEDS-ORA

School Information Form (SIF) and County District Information Form (CDIF) data will be collected through the CBEDS-ORA. This online application contains formatted data entry screens, built in edit checks, summary reports, and the ability to import/export data files. The CBEDS-ORA is located at and requires a unique user name and password to access the application. The logon information needed to access the CBEDS-ORA for your LEA may be found on the enclosed CBEDS Online Reporting Application User Name and Password sheet.


The June 15, 2010 letter sent to CBEDS coordinators details the changes to the October 2010 CBEDS collection. The CBEDS Fall 2010 Data Collection and Contact Survey letter is posted on the CDE Web site at

Information for CBEDS coordinators including detailed instruction on CBEDS, training and collection materials, forms, letters, policies and guidelines, the CBEDS-ORA, and information on CALPADS is available on the CBEDS Web page at

If you have questions about this mailing or the CBEDS submission process, please call the Educational Demographics Office at 916-327-0219.



Karl Scheff, Administrator
Educational Demographics Office


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