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Labs & Centers

The Aero Fluid Mechanics Lab is dedicated to basic studies of the fundamental properties of turbulent and reacting flow.

Areas of interest include measurements of the structure of turbulent flames, direct numerical simulation of free shear flows, and use of topological methods for interpretation of complex three-dimensional vector fields. Recent projects include studies of fast-burning fuels for hybrid propulsion and decomposition of nitrous oxide for space propulsion.

The Aerospace Computing Lab (ACL) focuses on the development and application of numerical techniques in the design of aerospace products.

The Aerospace Design Laboratory (ADL) fosters the use of high-fidelity analysis and design tools in a variety of aerospace design problems including aircraft, turbomachinery, launch vehicles, helicopters and spacecraft.

The ARL creates experimental systems for developing advanced robot systems and new control techniques with applications to free-flying space robots, undersea and air systems, mobile ground robots and industrial automation.

The Aircraft Aerodynamics and Design Group is involved with research in applied aerodynamics and aircraft design.

The Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) is a consortium of universities including Stanford as the lead along with University of Texas at El Paso, New Mexico State University and Morgan State University.

We are working in cooperation with the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) on advancing the field of computation-based engineering science. Specifically, we focus on advancing the state of the art in the efficient, scalable solution of multiscale, multiphysics and big-data problems on the next-generation high-performance computing systems.

The Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) develops methodologies for the analysis, design and control of autonomous systems, with a particular emphasis on large-scale robotic networks and autonomous aerospace vehicles.

The EXtreme Environment Microsystems Laboratory (XLab) focuses on the development of micro- and nanosystems for operation within extreme harsh environments.

Sensors and electronic devices for such environments are realized through the synthesis of temperature-tolerant, chemically resistant and radiation-hardened wide-bandgap semiconductor thin films and nanostructures. The lab supports applications including deep space systems, hypersonic aircraft, combustion monitoring and subsurface monitoring.

The Farhat Research Group (FRG) develops mathematical models, advanced computational algorithms and high-performance software for the design and analysis of complex systems in aerospace, marine, mechanical and naval engineering.

The GPS Laboratory studies and builds systems for vehicle navigation and attitude determination.
