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An Evening with Stanford Professor Bill Abrams: Guns, the Constitution, Regulation and the Courts

Event Details

Thu, March 17, 2016
06:30PM - 08:00PM
Hoover Institution in Washington
1399 New York Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington DC 20005
Map address
Registration Period:
The registration price is $20 for WDCSA members, young alumni ('11-'15), and guests; $30 for non-WDCSA members and guests.

Join us at the Hoover Institution in Washington for an evening with Stanford Professor Bill Abrams, ’76, P’12. Professor Abrams, consulting professor in human biology, teaches courses on children and the law, policy making, constitutional law, science, innovation and the law, and the death penalty. He has handled a number of high-profile pro bono matters through the U.S. and California Supreme Courts, particularly involving the death penalty, education and the rights of children and youth.

In this talk, Professor Abrams will share thoughts on the status of gun regulation in the United States in 2016, the key issues, who is taking what positions, and what measures work to promote public safety. He will discuss what regulation is permitted under the Second Amendment, and efforts to expand and restrict gun safety laws by state and local governments.

Food and drinks will be served. The registration price is $20 for WDCSA members, young alumni (’11 – ’15), and guests; $30 for non-WDCSA members and guests. 

Event Activities

An Evening with Stanford Professor Bill Abrams: Guns, the Constitution, Regulation and the Courts
Thursday, March 17, 2016 @ 6:30 PM

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