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Stanford Associates' Awards

The Stanford Associates present awards to recognize excellence in volunteer service to the University. Individuals who have demonstrated excellence in volunteer service are nominated by Stanford staff members in the fall of each year. The Stanford Associates' Board of Governors reviews the nominations and selects award winners. The following awards are given:

Gold Spike Award

"For exceptional volunteer leadership service."

WENDY MUNGER, '72, is an inspirational leader and long-serving Stanford volunteer who brings incredible compassion and intelligence to every role she fills, whether serving on the Alumni Committee on Trustee Nominations, the Arts Advisory Council, the Stanford Board of Trustees, or the Bing Overseas Study Program Council.

JEFFREY E. STONE, '78, brings an exceptional combination of innovative thinking and strong leadership to his Stanford volunteer roles. His ability to envision new and better ways to do things has greatly enhanced The Stanford Fund, class giving programs, and campaign strategy planning university-wide.

Learn more about the award »

The Stanford Medal

"For decades of distinguished and significant volunteer service to Stanford University."

VICTOR ARIAS, MBA '82, has an extraordinarily deep and abiding commitment to his alma mater. The Board of Trustees, the Graduate School of Business, the alumni community in Illinois and Texas, and the Latino student and alumni communities have all been enriched by his guidance and enthusiasm for Stanford.

ANGELA NOMELLINI, '75, exemplifies the best in volunteerism: initiative, dedication, enthusiasm, heart, and generosity of time and treasure. The Graduate School of Education, Stanford Athletics and her undergraduate class campaign efforts are all the better for her work.

GAIL AGUILAR STYPULA, 59, approaches her volunteer leadership roles with purpose and grace. Beyond her service to the Alumni Committee on Trustee Nominations, SAA Board of Directors and Stanford Associates Board of Governors, she is an active leader for the Class of ’59, one of Stanford’s most active alumni communities.

Learn more about the award »

Governors' Award

The Governors' Award (formerly the "Stanford Associates Award"), was established in 1980. A maximum of 15 awards are given annually to Stanford Associates members to honor exemplary volunteer service to the University over an extended period. These individuals are honored for their ongoing and uncommon gift of self, time and energy to the University. Governors Awards are presented to honorees at the Stanford Associates Award Ceremony held on campus each spring.

  • This year's recipients

  • Award of Merit

    Established in 1975, the Award of Merit (formerly the "Outstanding Achievement Award"), is given for exceptional volunteer service during a given period, usually one year. Bestowed for a single specific achievement, up to 25 awards are given annually to individuals or groups for their demonstrated initiative, thoroughness and enthusiasm. Awards of Merit are presented to honorees at the Stanford Associates Award Ceremony held on campus each spring.

  • This year's recipients

  • Stanford Associates

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