How To

Request an F&A (Facilities and Administrative) cost waiver on a proposal.

Steps to Obtain Approval

The Dean of Research will consider requests for F&A cost waivers in very limited circumstances. The PI’s Research Administrator and the PI should initiate the request, and it must be approved by the PI and the PI’s school dean's office before being sent for approval to the Dean of Research.  This can be done electronically in SeRA on the budget page. 

For projects administered within the School of Medicine, the Research Administrator and the PI should coordinate the request with their Research Process Manager (RPM) in the Research Management Group.  The RPM will submit the request to the Director of the Research Management Group for review/approval where it will be reviewed and approved as appropriate.

For projects administered within the School of Engineering, the request must be sent to Engineering Research Administration prior to being routed to the school dean or Dean of Research. Please review the ERA Job Aid.

For procedures specific to your school view PI Eligibility and Exceptions in the Research and Scholarship section of this website.

If an F&A cost waiver is approved at 0%, the PI is still responsible Stanford’s infrastructure charge. 


For more information, please contact:

School of Medicine

Filed under Proposals