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Photo of GSE Alumni

Photo of Stanford GSE Alumni reunion at CERAS

Reunion 2013 Highlights

The Graduate School of Education and Dean Claude Steele hosted two events for reunion on October 18, 2013 in the Center for Educational Research at Stanford beginning with a Classes Without Quizzes titled "Can Universal Preschool Close the Achievement Gap?" led by Professor Deborah Stipek. Her talk focused on the role of preschool in bridging the achievement gap and whether or not the research supports the promise. After the CWOQ, GSE and Stanford alumni joined Dean Steele for a reception and Expo featuring mini-presentations by the FabLab and:

CWOQ Photo Highlights:

By Steve Castillo

EXPO and Reception Photo Highlights:

By Steve Castillo

Video Highlights:

For more coverage of the event, please visit: