Stanford Summer Engineering Academy (SSEA)

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SSEA 2015 Group Photo


Apply to SSEA here:

EDP Summer 2016 Application deadline March 21, 2016


This program is for incoming Stanford Freshmen only. The Stanford Summer Engineering Academy (SSEA) was established in 1998 with the goal of attracting a more diverse student body to the School of Engineering. Therefore, we especially encourage women and minority students to apply to this rigorous introduction to engineering, math, and physical sciences at Stanford. The program consists of an intensive schedule of classes, homework, and activities related to these subjects. This four-week, on-campus academy is free, but only has room for 50, incoming accepted freshmen. The program runs every year in August.


In SSEA you can:

  • Get familiar with the academic principles required for success in the engineering, math, and physical sciences majors
  • Explore the campus and its many resources
  • Build a network of friends and faculty as you live on campus for one month
  • Plan your four years at Stanford

SSEA presents a preview of what the Stanford School of Engineering offers including:

  • An overview of the School of Engineering major programs to help inspire and define academic choices
  • Exposure to engineering courses prior to the official start of your freshman year


The SSEA Program

The four-week SSEA program covers bioengineering, biomechanical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, management science and engineering, materials science and engineering, and mechanical engineering, as well as math and physics.

The program provides:

  • An overview of the engineering departments and degree programs from Stanford faculty
  • An opportunity to get to know the campus and fellow students before fall quarter
  • Room and board in a Stanford dorm for one month
  • Hands-on engineering and science work, including lab projects and field trips
  • Opportunities to have lunches with esteemed Stanford Faculty
  • Individual counseling sessions to create a 4 year plan which will be a valuable curriculum guide to accomplishing your goals at Stanford
  • An orientation to the many resources and programs offered at Stanford, such as the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and  various Engineering Diversity Programs such as Accelerated Calculus for Engineers (ACE)
  • Resume building workshops to encourage professionalism
  • Corporate dinners where company representatives introduce themselves and share about the work they do (past companies include Cisco, McKinsey & Company, and Google)



  • There will be morning and afternoon sessions. The morning sessions will cover different engineering or science topics every day. The afternoon sessions will consist of math, computer science, and a learning strategy class covering a wide range of subjects. There will be laboratory projects.
  • Attendance in class is mandatory, approximately 7 hours each day.
  • Here is a sample class schedule
  • Team learning is taught and encouraged, and groups may work together to complete the daily assignments.
  • Individual counseling appointments with Dr. Lozano and staff advising sessions are scheduled throughout the four weeks.
  • Dorm activities will occur throughout the month (for example, a talent show or engineering competition).
  • Educational field trips to San Francisco and other Bay Area sites take place every Saturday -- attendance is mandatory.
  • Sundays and most evenings are free time to explore our excellent campus recreational facilities, do homework, etc.



The application for SSEA is available to incoming Stanford freshmen upon request, please contact the administrative team at  Acceptance letters will be sent out the beginning of July.


Inquiries regarding logistics may be directed to Nan Aoki, Administrative Associate:
Phone: (650) 498-3890

Inquiries regarding acceptance, advising, and academic matters may be directed to Dr. Noe Pablo Lozano, Associate Dean of School of Engineering Student & Diversity Affairs and SSEA Program Director
Phone: (650) 862-7063