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2015-2016 Cardinal Courses

Below you will find a complete listing of all 2015-2016 Cardinal Courses.  These course listings may fluctuate throughout the academic year.  For an up to the minute accounting of all Cardinal Courses, please refer to Explore Courses

Autumn 2015

Winter 2016

Spring 2016

Autumn 2015

ANTRHO 97: Internship in Anthropology

CEE 224X: Global Urban Development Program

CHILATST 183X: Practicum in English-Spanish School & Community Interpreting

CSRE 100: Grassroots Community Organizing: Building Power for Collective Liberation

CSRE 196C: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

CSRE 198: Internship for Public Service

CS 106X: Programming Abstractions

CS 90SI: CS+ Social Good: Using Web Technologies to Change the World

EARTH 5: Geokids: Earth Sciences Education

EARTHSYS 135: Podcasting the Anthropocene 

EARTH 218: Communicating Science

EARTHSYS 176/276: Open Space Management Practicum

EARTHSYS 187: FEED the Change: Redesigning Food Systems

EDUC 103A: Tutoring: Seeing a Child Through Literacy

EDUC 123: Community-Based Research as a Tool for Social Change: Discourses of Equity in Communities and Classrooms

EDUC 171: Early Childhood Education Practicum

EDUC 281: Technology for Learners

EMED125: Social Emergency Medicine and Community Engagement

ENVRES 201: The Energy Transformation Collaborative

FEMGEN 108: Internship for Feminist Studies

HISTORY 260: California's Minority-Majority Cities

MED 1B: Identity, Power and Privilege in Multicultural Health

MED 143A: Patient Health Education in Community Clinics

MED 158: From Foodies to Freegans: Food Popular Topics in the Silicon Valley

MED 257A: Community Health Advocacy

PUBLPOL 200A: Senior Practicum

PWR 2CR: Writing &Rhetoric 2: Communicating Science

SPANLANG 12C: Second-Year Spanish: Cultural Emphasis, Second Quarter

SPANLANG 13SL: Second-Year Spanish: Emphasis on Service Learning

STS 200A: Food and Society: Politics, Culture and Technology

URBANST 104: Civic Dreams, Human SPaces: Urban Design with People

URBANST 145: International Urbanization Seminar: Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Development

URBANST 201A: Capstone Internship in Urban Studies

Winter 2016

ANTRHO 97: Internship in Anthropology

CEE 48N: Managing Complex, Global Projects

CEE 177X: Current Topics in Sustainable Engineering 

CEE 224Y: Global Urban Development Program

CHILATST 177B: Well-being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service-learning Course

COMM 138: Deliberative Democracy Practicum: Applying Deliberative Polling

CSRE 100B: Grassroots Community Organizing 

CSRE 198: Internship for Public Service

CSRE 245: Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development

CS 106B: Programming Abstractions

CS 106X: Programming Abstractions

EARTHSYS 200: Sustaining Action: Research, Analysis and Writing for the Public

EARTHSYS 210P: Senior Capstone & Reflection

EDUC 103A: Tutoring: Seeing a Child Through Literacy

EDUC 104: Introduction to the Profession of Teaching

EDUC 115N: How to Learn Mathematics

EDUC 171: Early Childhood Education Practicum

EDUC 180S: Pre-Field Course for Alternative Spring Break

EDUC 208B: Curriculum Construction

EMED 125: Social Emergency Medicine and Community Engagement

ENGR 110: Perspectives in Assistive Technology

FEMGEN 108: Internship for Feminist Studies

HISTORY 6W: Service-Learning Workshop on Human Trafficking Part 1

HUMBIO 3B: Behavior, Health, and Development

HUMBIO 25SI: Diverse Perspectives on Disabilities

HUMBIO 127A: Community Health Assessment and Planning I

HISTORY 258: Sexual Violence in America

LINGUIST 65: African American Vernacular English

MED 143A: Patient Health Education in Community Clinics

MED 143B: Patient Health Education in Community Clinics - Practicum

MED 149: Medical Interpreting at the Cardinal Free Clinics: The Qualified Bilingual Student Program

MED 257B: Community Health Advocacy

MED 258A: Policy Advocacy in Community Health

MS&E 108: Senior Project

PUBLPOL 200 B: Senior Practicum

PWR 2CR: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Communicating Science

RELIGST 188A: Issues in Liberation: El Salvador

SPANLANG 12C: Second-Year Spanish: Cultural Emphasis, Second Quarter

SPANLANG 13SL: Second-Year Spanish: Emphasis on Service Learning

URBANST 164: Sustainable Cities

URBANST 201A: Capstone Internship in Urban Studies

Spring 2016

ANTRHO 97: Internship in Anthropology

CEE 224Y: Global Urban Development Program

CHILATST 177: Well-being in Immigrant Children and Youth: A Service-learning Course

COMM 138: Deliberative Democracy Practicum: Applying Deliberative Polling

CS 377E: Designing Solutions to Global Grand Challenges

CSRE 146: Community Matters: Research and Service with Community Organizations

CSRE 157P: Doing Solidarity in Movements for Collective Liberation

CSRE 162A: Spirituality and Nonviolent Urban and Social Transformation

CSRE 198: Internship for Public Service

DANCE 100: Dance, Movement & Medicine

DANCE 197: Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America

EARTH 5: Geokids: Earth Sciences Education

EARTHSYS 135: Podcasting the Anthropocene 

EARTHSYS 210P: Senior Capstone & Reflection

EDUC 102: Examining Social Structures, Power, and Educational Access

EDUC 103B: Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices

EDUC 135X: Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems

EDUC 303: Designing Learning Spaces

EDUC 332: Theory and Practice of Environmental Education

FEMGEN 108: Internship for Feminist Studies

HISTORY 5C: Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives

HISTORY 7W: Service-Learning Workshop on Human Trafficking, Part II

HUMBIO 122M: Challenges in Human Migration: Health and Health Care of Migrants and Autochthonous Populations

HUMBIO 127B: Community Health Assessment and Planning II

INTNLREL 142: Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice

LAW 643: Medical-Legal Issues in Children’s Health

ME 177: Global Engineers' Education

MED 1A: Leadership in Multicultural Health

MED 157: Foundations for Community Health Engagement

MED 143B: Patient Health Education in Community Clinics - Practicum

MED 149: Medical Interpreting at the Cardinal Free Clinics: The Qualified Bilingual Student Program

MED 199: Native Mentorship in Public Health: Peer Mentorship to Promote Wellness

Med 257C: Community Health Advocacy

MED 259: Oaxacan Health on Both Sides of the Border

MUSIC 146J: Studies in Ethnomusicology: Listening to the Local: Music Ethnography of the Bay Area

OSPGEN 20: Community, Health, & Learning Through Service in Sri Lanka  

PHIL 197I: Homeless Services in Silicon Valley (Student Initiated)

POLISCI 236: Theories of Civil Society, Philanthropy, and the Nonprofit Sector

PSYCH 150B: Race and Crime Practicum

PUBLPOL 200C: Senior Practicum

PWR 2CR: Writing & Rhetoric 2: Communicating Science

PWR 91EP: Intermediate Writing: Communicating Climate Change: Navigating the Stories from the Frontlines 

SPANLANG 11SL: Second-Year Spanish: Cultural Emphasis, Second Quarter

SPANLANG 13SL: Second-Year Spanish: Emphasis on Service Learning

URBANST 201: Capstone in Urban Studies