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Internship Requirements

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Internship Requirement for the Human Biology major will be changing in the near future. Students who declare the major in spring quarter of the 2015-2016 academic year will instead fulfill a “Capstone” requirement, the details of which will be posted on our website by the start of spring quarter. The final quarter to give an internship poster presentation will be autumn quarter of the 2016-2017 academic year.


This infomercial (3:48) answers the most common questions about proposing your internship and getting credit. Please note this requirement change within the presentation: the current format is virtual, consisting of a blog (with slides) of a minimum 1000 words about the goal of the internship, its connection to your A/C, the activities that you engaged in, and the outcomes.

One of the unique aspects of the Human Biology Program is the internship. This requirement offers you the opportunity to explore fields related to your chosen classwork. The internship units are required (listed in the Bulletin as HUMBIO 197) and are only available to declared Human Biology majors.

Requirement: a single experience (not a combination of experiences) for a minimum of 4 units or 120 hours of work (each unit is 3 hours of work/week for 10 weeks = 30 hours/unit).

Internships can be initiated only after a student is a declared HumBio major and has completed the core. Exception: an undeclared sophomore who has completed the core and undertakes an internship in the summer after sophomore year must declare upon returning to campus for the autumn quarter of junior year to use the summer experience to fulfill their Internship Requirement.

Deadline for initiating internship is two quarters before graduation.

It is an “outside-the-classroom” field/work experience and cannot consist of course work or workshops, therefore it is not possible to earn duplicate credit if one participates in field work, internships, lab research practicums, etc., which are required for another course.

A maximum of 4 units may be received for the internship, regardless of whether more than 120 hours of work have been completed.

The credit may be spread over a maximum of two quarters, and is given S/NC credit only.