Policy Practicum: Preparing for Transition in Syria


Course Code:
LAW 414H
Law Honors/Pass/R credit/Fail


Syria is in the midst of a devastating civil war, during which almost 200,000 persons have been killed, many more have been injured, and millions have been displaced. One major coalition of Syrian opposition groups, known as the National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces, or the Syrian National Coalition, seeks to replace the current Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad. As the Coalition plans for a post-Assad transition, it has encountered a number of legal and policy challenges that implicate international law, international relations, and administrative problems. Students will support the Public Interest Law and Policy Group, which is working closely with the Coalition, to provide legal advice on legal issues identified by the opposition as likely to arise in the event negotiations to resolve the Syrian conflict resume. Elements used in grading: Class Participation, Written Assignments. NOTE: Students may not count more than a combined total of eight units of directed research projects and policy lab practica toward graduation unless the additional counted units are approved in advance by the Petitions Committee. Such approval will be granted only for good cause shown. Even in the case of a successful petition for additional units, a student cannot receive a letter grade for more than eight units of independent research (Policy Lab practicum, Directed Research, Senior Thesis, and/or Research Track). Any units taken in excess of eight will be graded on a mandatory pass basis. For detailed information, see "Directed Research/Policy Labs" in the SLS Student Handbook. CONSENT: Contact Professor Weiner at aweiner@stanford.edu.

Past Offerings

2014-2015 Winter

Policy Practicum: Preparing for Transition in Syria LAW 414H Section 01 Class #32878

  • 1 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent 3

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

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