Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP)

The IRAP Mission:

The Stanford Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) helps refugees escape harm and persecution and start their lives anew. We provide legal representation to those who have none and help refugees to navigate the rules and processes of resettlement to the United States.

What is IRAP?

Student group, pro bono project and advocacy organization rolled into one, the Iraqi Refugee Project began as a summer project to provide pro bono legal representation and policy advocacy on behalf of Iraqi refugees seeking resettlment and to assist those who have settled. Stanford IRAP coordinates with its law firm partners, IRAP National, NGOs around the Middle East and fellow IRAP Chapters to help refugees. IRAP has expanded to nineteen-plus schools around the US and the Middle East with Stanford’s Chapter founded in 2009.

Who is IRAP?

Members of IRAP work as Client Advocates and Policy Team Members and are welcome to become of part of the IRAP Board to help lead those areas of IRAP’s work that inspire them.

2015-16 Board Members

Gina Elliot
Jordan Ritenour

Director of Policy: 
Kate Fetrow

Director of Operations:
Meredith Evancie

Director of Training:
Vincent Doctor