Introduction to Finance


Course Code:
LAW 794
Law Mandatory P/R/F


This course is a basic introduction to the principles of finance and is intended as a primer on principles of valuation that are useful in everything from settlement negotiations to family law. No prior knowledge of finance will be assumed. If you want an introduction to corporate finance and won't take the full 3 credit course, this is for you. The first part of the course (approximately 6 weeks) will consist of on-line modules and problem sets that you will complete on your own and in small groups. We will cover topics such as: earnings, cash flows, income statements, interest rates, time value of money, estimating firm value, risk and return and the cost of capital. We will provide a framework for answering questions such as: how much is this project (or firm) worth? How should the firm raise money for a new investment? There will be weekly problem sets and you will get experience with building a simple model (excel spreadsheet) that will help you estimate the value of a potential new project. The second part of the course will consist of in-class discussions of case studies that apply these valuation principles to particular legal settings: e.g. valuing settlement offers, merger proposals, appraisal proceedings, and the efficient capital markets hypothesis. We hope that this flexible format will allow more students to take finance. If you wish, you can take this course and then later take Corporate Finance 1. The class will meet (TBA). Additional small group meetings will be scheduled with the instructor. On-line component. Elements used in grading: Written Assignments, Final Project.

Past Offerings

2015-2016 Autumn

Introduction to Finance LAW 794 Section 01 Class #1075

  • 2 Units

Notes: In-class Final.

2014-2015 Spring

Introduction to Finance LAW 794 Section 01 Class #33593

  • 2 Units
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