Policy Practicum: Law and Economics of the Death Penalty


Course Code:
LAW 413V
Law Honors/Pass/R credit/Fail


This is the practicum component of the Law and Economics of the Death Penalty Seminar. See Law and Economics of the Death Penalty Seminar (Law 397) for a detailed course description. Students who take the practicum component must attend the 9 seminar class meetings and do all reading and writing assignments of the seminar except that instead of writing a final paper of their choosing they will focus on actual policy or litigation work that will be arranged with various death penalty abolition groups. Only students enrolled in the Law and Economics of the Death Penalty Seminar (whether for two or three units) may enroll in the practicum component for two additional units. NOTE: Students may not count more than a combined total of eight units of directed research projects and policy lab practica toward graduation unless the additional counted units are approved in advance by the Petitions Committee. Such approval will be granted only for good cause shown. Even in the case of a successful petition for additional units, a student cannot receive a letter grade for more than eight units of independent research (Policy Lab practicum, Directed Research, Senior Thesis, and/or Research Track). Any units taken in excess of eight will be graded on a mandatory pass basis. For detailed information, see "Directed Research/Policy Labs" in the SLS Student Handbook. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete and e-mail the Consent Application Form available on the SLS Registrar's Office website (see Registration and Selection of Classes for Stanford Law Students) to the instructors. See Consent Application Form for submission deadline.

Past Offerings

2014-2015 Autumn

Policy Practicum: Law and Economics of the Death Penalty LAW 413V Section 01 Class #29820

  • 2 Units
  • Enrollment Limitations: Consent

Notes: Law Unit Limitation.

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