Michael Wara

Michael W Wara

Michael Wara

  • Associate Professor of Law
  • Justin M. Roach, Jr. Faculty Scholar
  • Room N345, Neukom Building


  • Administrative Law
  • Air Pollution Law & Policy
  • Climate Change Law & Policy
  • Coastal & Oceans Law & Policy
  • Energy Law & Policy
  • Environment & the Law
  • International Environment Law
  • Land Use Law & Policy
  • Local & State Government
  • Policy Analysis
  • Property & Real Estate Law
  • Public Interest Practice
  • Public Policy & Empirical Studies
  • Regulatory Policy
  • Sustainable Development Law & Policy
  • Takings
Students in Classroom

Policy Practicum: Carbon Pollution Standards and Carbon Taxes

This policy lab seminar will address the ongoing effort by the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce carbon pollution from electric power plants. The EPA is currently in the process of writing New Source Performance Standards for new and existing coal and natural gas fired electric power plants. A critical question in writing these rules will be the extent to which EPA can allow for economically efficient approaches to cutting emissions.

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