

alumni and friends made gifts to SLS in 2015

Each gift matters.
Every dollar counts.


of the law school's budget is funded by past and present philanthropy

"I chose Stanford for several reasons but most importantly, I came here because it had something special – a community of people unlike any other. This community is showcased by alumni like you who continue to contribute to the education of current students like me."
Stacy Villalobos BA '11, JD '15

$4.4 mil

Law Fund dollars raised in fiscal year 2015

"I have been working as a Public Defender in Baltimore, and every day I get to stand up in court for people who desperately need a voice. Were it not for LRAP, I would have missed out on this experience altogether."
Kate Finley, JD '09

Stanford Law School’s mission is to educate the next generation of lawyers and leaders. Our unparalleled faculty and small class size distinguish the law school, as does our commitment to experiential learning through a robust clinical program and a growing policy lab. Through your support, we are able to offer this education to a diverse and qualified student body, regardless of our applicants’ financial means.

I hope all alums appreciate the law school enough to give generously to the law school. I, like the faculty generally, am a donor myself. I'm an alum who is grateful for the education I've had and get a close look at the education new students are getting because I'm here teaching. I can't think of a better way to express that recognition than by helping.

Robert Weisberg, JD '79, Edwin E. Huddleson, Jr. Professor of Law