Event: ICC Turns Ten -– Reviewing the Past, Assessing the Future of the International Criminal Court


Publish Date:
April 19, 2012
  • Stanford Law School
Stanford Law School
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Friday, May 11, 2012 @ Stanford Law School | 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.



ICC conference programme (2012) & speaker bios (PDF)

This year marks the ten-year anniversary of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This significant milestone provides an opportunity to review and discuss the work of the ICC–its impact, successes and challenges over the past decade, and to assess future challenges, especially with regard to ICC-U.S. relations.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • H.E. Judge Cuno Jakob Tarfusser, Vice-President of the International Criminal Court
  • H.E. Justice Mrs. Silvana Arbia, Registrar of the International Criminal Court
  • Ms. Shamila Batohi, Senior Legal Advisor to the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court
  • H.E. Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp, US Ambassador-at-Large, Office of Global Criminal Justice
  • Mr. Benjamin Ferencz, Former Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Military Tribunals
  • Mr. Michael S. Greco, Chair, ABA Center for Human Rights and former President of the ABA
  • Prof. David Kaye, Executive Director of the International Human Rights Program at UCLA, School of Law
  • Prof. Allen Weiner, Stanford Law School
  • Prof. Ruth Wedgwood, Director of the International Law and Organizations Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University

Moderators include:

  • Helen Stacy, Senior Fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
  • Jenny Martinez, Professor of Law and Warren Christopher Professor in the Practice of International Law and Diplomacy
  • Professor James Cavallaro, founding director of Stanford Law School’s International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic

The conference is sponsored by the following organizations: Stanford Law School, the American Bar Association’s Center for Human Rights, the American Society of International Law, the Stanford Center for International Conflict and Negotiation, the Planethood Foundation, the Stanford Program on Human Rights,  the Stanford International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic, the Stanford Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) and the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation.

This event is open to the public at no cost. Registration is required. Please register online here.

For more information, please contact Sam S. Shoamanesh at sasansh@stanford.eduor Katherine Hubbard at kchubbar@stanford.edu.