‘F’ For Eatery Grades


Publish Date:
September 23, 2013
  • Tara Palmeri
The New York Post
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Professor Daniel E. Ho weighs in on New York City’s current system with the New York Post's Tara Palmeri and why he believes it’s “ineffective.”

Mayor Bloomberg touted his restaurant letter-grading system as one of the signature accomplishments of his administration — but stats show that since the law was introduced there has actually been an increase in food-poisoning complaints.

There have been 6 to 7 percent more food-poisoning complaints reported to 311 every year since the city started requiring restaurants to post letter grades in their windows in 2010 — compared to 2009, when there was no letter-grading system.

Daniel E. Ho, a Stanford law professor who has studied data from inspections, has argued that the current system is ineffective.

“Unsurprisingly, New York's implementation of letter grading in 2010 has not discernibly reduced manifestations of food-borne illness. Perhaps worse, the system perversely shifts inspection resources away from higher health hazards to resolve grade disputes,” Ho wrote in the Yale Law Journal.

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