Feeding The Homeless Is A Religious Liberty Issue Too


Publish Date:
April 30, 2015
  • Ruth Moon
Christianity Today - Gleanings
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Stanford Law School’s Religious Liberty Clinic is mentioned in this Christianity Today article for their work on behalf of a CA church fighting a ban which prevents them from caring for the homeless on their property. 

The latest battle over religious freedom doesn’t involve wedding cakes or pizza.

Instead, it’s about a warm meal of vegetable soup, pasta, and Southern greens, offered to the homeless in San Antonio. That meal earned Joan Cheever a $2,000 fine from a police officer earlier this spring, according to Texas Public Radio (TPR).

In May 2013, the Religious Liberty Clinic at Stanford University’s law school filed a lawsuit on behalf of a California church against the city of San Buenaventura, arguing that the church’s First Amendment rights were violated by a ban on caring for the homeless on church property. “Harbor’s ministry is an integral part of its religious exercise,” the complaint states.

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