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"The archives of Road & Track magazine come to Stanford"



The basic workings of a car might fit in a stack of technical manuals, but the culture of the automobile could fill a whole library.

Stanford has inherited just such a collection: the vast library of files of Road & Track magazine's 65-year history. The famous publication moved its offices from Newport Beach, Calif., to Ann Arbor, Mich., last summer and decided to entrust to Stanford thousands of books, photos, diagrams and other priceless ephemera left without a home.

These artifacts will reside in Stanford Libraries' Special Collections, where they will be available on request for academic research. Revs Director Clifford Nass, a Stanford professor with a primary appointment in communication, believes this resource will help restore the automobile to its rightful place in university scholarship.

Please read the article in its entirety.

This was taken in part from the December 11th, Stanford Report article, The archives of Road & Track magazine come to Stanford, written by Kelly Servick.


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