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Provost's Task Force on Sexual Assault

Provost John Etchemendy announced in May 2014 the creation of a student-faculty-staff task force to recommend ways to enhance Stanford's educational efforts around sexual assault, to improve support for those who have experienced sexual violence, and to improve its policies and disciplinary processes for reported cases of sexual assault. The committee, chaired by M. Elizabeth Magill (Dean of the Law School) and Elizabeth Woodson (2014-15 ASSU President ) issued its report in April 2015.

Report of the Provost's Task Force

Provost’s Letter to the Campus Community

Q&A with Task Force Co-Chairs 

Pilot Student Title IX Process Issued

Committee Membership

  • M. Elizabeth Magill, Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean of Stanford Law School

  • Elizabeth Woodson, ASSU President

  • Aku Ammah-Tagoe, a graduate student in English

  • Bryce Anzelmo, a graduate student in Energy Resources Engineering and co-chair of the 2013-14 Graduate Student Council

  • Russell Berman, the Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities and 2014-15 chair of the Faculty Senate

  • Nate Boswell, associate dean of Residential Education and liaison to the Row and fraternity and sorority organizations

  • Shelley Correll, professor of Sociology and the Barbara D. Finberg Director of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford

  • Catherine Criswell, Title IX Coordinator at Stanford

  • Jackie Fielder, undergraduate in Public Policy and president of the Inter-Sorority Council

  • Kelsey Finch, undergraduate alumna, Urban Studies, Class of 2008

  • Adam Horowitz, a graduate student in Sociology and member of the Board on Judicial Affairs

  • Faith Kazmi, associate dean of Student Affairs and director of the Women's Community Center at Stanford

  • Benjy Mercer-Golden, undergraduate in History, 2014-15 ASSU executive cabinet member

  • Lauren Schoenthaler, Office of the General Counsel

  • Marcia Stefanick, professor of Medicine at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and co-director of the Stanford Center for Health Research on Women & Sex Differences in Medicine

  • Robert Weisberg, the Edwin E. Huddleson, Jr. Professor of Law and faculty co-director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center

  • Laura Wilson, Stanford chief of police and director of the Department of Public Safety

  • Laraine Zappert, clinical professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science and director of the Sexual Harassment Policy Office at Stanford

  • Marisa McCarthy, staff to the committee