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OpenXChange Programs 2015-16


"Responding to Cimate Change"

Stanford Daily article: "OpenXChange Launches Open Office Hours with Panel on Climate Change"

Related Courses

• Earth 2: Climate and Society (3 units)This course provides an introduction to the natural science and social science of climate change. The focus is on what science tells us about the causes, consequences, and solutions to climate change, as well as on how scientific progress is made on these issues.
• As a public service ISciences publishes background briefings about Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and related events. The most recent presentation, Road to Paris COP21, is available in both pdf and PowerPoint® slideshow formats at 
"Just Mercy: Race and the Criminal Justice System" featuring Bryan Stevenson, Katie Couric, Jennifer Eberhardt, Gary Segura & Robert Weisberg
• Webcast: "Just Mercy: Race and the Criminal Justice System" (event held Jan. 13, 2016)
"An Introducation to the Syrian Refugee Crisis: History, Politics & Human Rights"

Initiative Launch

Letter from President John Hennessy and Provost John Etchemendy to students, faculty and staff announcing launch of OpenXChange initiative

Questions? Concerns? Feedback? Please contact us at

See Also

  • SU Forum (Coming soon!)
  • Image Gallery (Coming soon!)