Integrating Library Resources into Your Course

The strong collaboration between PWR and the Stanford Libraries is part of what makes the Stanford writing program unique among university writing programs and should be fostered in your classroom to provide students with a richer research experience.

Consider these ideas for underscoring that collaboration in your classes:

  • As you construct your syllabus, schedule time in your week-to-week planning for at least one library visit each term and for activities that will engage students in using the library.
  • Order course reserves.
  • Invite your assigned librarian to visit your classes early in the quarter to introduce themselves to your students and to explain the Research Guides they have developed specifically for your course.  
  • Spend part of one class taking your PWR 1 students on a tour of the library.  They can print and bring with them the library’s online tour.  Work with your librarian to devise activities that will engage students in using the library.
  • Use and refer to the Research Guides in class to make them part of the way your students conceptualize research on their topic and link them to your CourseWork site.
  • For PWR 1, your assigned library workshop will usually take place during the fourth or fifth weeks of the quarter.  Be sure to have your students begin working on their research-based argument essay by this time. 
  • For PWR 2, consider requesting a refresher library workshop led by your assigned librarian early in the term, as well as a tour of another campus research resource. 
  • Follow up on the library workshop with at least one or two research exercises, either in class or assigned as homework.  Encourage students to work regularly in at least one library and require that they rely on print as well as non-print sources when conducting research. 
  • Spend class time talking about how to evaluate electronic sources; if you require your student to buy a handbook it probably has information on this issue.