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Curricula in Development

SPICE draws upon the diverse faculty and programmatic interests of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. All of our materials are developed to reflect the scholarship and research interests of FSI faculty members, who serve as scholarly advisors for our curricula.

Since these curricula are still in development, the titles below are working titles and are used for descriptive purposes only.

If you are interested in either fieldtesting (using the lesson with your students) or reviewing (reading through the lesson and offering pedagogical feedback/suggestions without student participation) any curriculum modules from this list, fill out our online form.

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The Road to Tokyo

Unit in Development
As the host of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo, Japan will be in the global spotlight and aims to showcase itself as a high-tech city of the future. Preparations are underway to develop driverless vehicles to transport athletes around the congested city, and technology companies are working to complete high-tech gadgets they hope to introduce at the 2020 Games. For Japan this is an opportunity to reinvent itself as a force in the high-tech industry and demonstrate its recovery from economic recession. While hosting the Olympics offers a great opportunity for a host city, it also presents many challenges. For Tokyo these challenges include retrofitting for earthquakes, updating its expressways, and stabilizing the Fukushima nuclear power plant, among others.

SPICE is developing twelve lessons on various historical and contemporary topics related to Tokyo that will help students better understand the host city. Contemporary topics will range from Tokyo’s preparations for the 2020 Games to its transportation system to its environmental and demographic concerns. Historical themes will include the legacy of the Edo Period and a snapshot of Tokyo in 1945 near the end of World War II. All lessons will be provided on the SPICE website and offered for free. Appropriate for middle and high school students.



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