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Probability Seminar

The Probability Seminars are held in Sequoia Hall, Room 200, at 4:30pm on Mondays. Refreshments are served at 4pm in the Lounge on the first floor.

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We provide a LaTeX template for speakers to use when submitting the abstract for a seminar (sample PDF output here). Using this template makes it straightforward for us to post the details of the talk promptly and without unintended errors that might creep in if we were to transcribe the abstract from another source.

Inquiries regarding Seminars may be sent to

March 2016
Date/Time Speaker Affiliation Title
Mon 28 Mar
Tobias Johnson USC, NYU Size biased couplings and the spectral gap for random regular graphs
Mon 07 Mar
Jean-Dominique Deuschel TU Berlin Quenched invariance principle for random walks with time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights
February 2016
Date/Time Speaker Affiliation Title
Mon 29 Feb
Yuval Peres Microsoft Research Pinpointing mixing time in expanders and random graphs
Mon 22 Feb
Takashi Kumagai RIMS, Kyoto Stability of heat kernel estimates and parabolic Harnack inequalities for jump processes on metric measure spaces
Fri 19 Feb
Special Day
Alice Guionnet MIT and CNRS, France Mobility edge for Levy matrices
Mon 15 Feb
University Holiday Presidents' Day --- No Seminar ---
Mon 08 Feb
Lenka Zdeborova IPhT, France Spectral redemption is based on no backtracking
Mon 01 Feb
Special Time
Dan Romik UC Davis A Pfaffian point process for totally symmetric self complementary plane partitions
January 2016
Date/Time Speaker Affiliation Title
Mon 25 Jan
Sourav Chatterjee Stanford Statistics The Yang–Mills free energy
Mon 18 Jan
University Holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day --- No Seminar ---
Mon 11 Jan
Bhaswar Bhattacharya Stanford Statistics Upper tails and independence polynomials in sparse random graphs
Wed 06 Jan
Special Day
Pawel Lorek University of Wroclaw Siegmund duality for Markov chains on partially ordered state spaces: Generalized Gambler's Ruin problem
Mon 04 Jan
Nathan Ross University of Melbourne Limit behavior of some Pólya urn models associated to preferential attachment graphs and random trees
November 2015
Date/Time Speaker Affiliation Title
Mon 30 Nov
Li-Cheng Tsai Stanford Mathematics Infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations for Dyson's Brownian motion
Mon 16 Nov
Evita Nestoridi Stanford Mathematics Hyperplane arrangements and stopping times
Mon 09 Nov
Ohad Feldheim Stanford Mathematics Long-range order in random three-colorings of Z^d
Mon 02 Nov
Nicholas Cook UCLA Random regular digraphs: Singularity and spectrum
October 2015
Date/Time Speaker Affiliation Title
Mon 26 Oct
Harry Crane Rutgers University Partial symmetries in random structures
Mon 19 Oct
Shirshendu Ganguly University of Washington Seattle Competitive erosion is conformally invariant
Mon 12 Oct
Guillaume Barraquand Columbia University Random walks in beta random environment
Mon 05 Oct
Nike Sun MIT The exact k-SAT threshold for large k
September 2015
Date/Time Speaker Affiliation Title
Mon 28 Sep
Naomi Feldheim Stanford Mathematics Winding of planar stationary Gaussian processes
Mon 21 Sep
Jacob Fox Stanford Mathematics A short probabilistic proof of the multidimensional Szemerédi theorem in the primes