

Marginalia Review of Books democratizes depth through deep learning for the digital age. • We publish every other Friday

Joined July 2012


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  1. 13 hours ago

    Great news from our amazing former Senior Editor, Simon, a key member of the extended MRB family!

  2. Retweeted
    Nov 28

    Dear peers: If you like 's lectures on early Christianity, you'll love his poetry. He's reading it at Friday's Poetry and Pints (yes, there will be beer) event at Miller Hall (the new IMS building) 406 Prospect, on Friday from 4:3-5:30 PM

  3. Retweeted
    Nov 27

    Graduate student Erin Faigin recently had a book review published in Marginalia, a channel of the Los Angeles Review of Books! Faigin is a Peter and Julie Weil Distinguished Graduate Fellow working with Professor Tony Michels.

  4. Nov 23

    "The mobile Jew—not the settled Protestant—is the archetypal American, 'selectively revealing, expressing, & creating religion'"- Erin Faigin reviews prof "Jews on the Frontier" & winner!

  5. Nov 23

    TV series on crime give the public an illusion it can monitor crime's relation to truth and justice: reviews prof ’s “A History of Infamy,” unsettling some of our assumptions on and crime

  6. Retweeted
    Nov 19

    "We can confront the fact that is a deeply internalized part of American and European culture" More on the attack at Pittsburgh synagogue via

  7. Retweeted
    Nov 16

    Simply amazing writing, a story told so well the pleasure of the reading only deepens the power of its point, sharp enough to slice a gash in the upper class.

  8. Retweeted
    Nov 14

    "If we’re lucky, we’ve killed a man. A self that has to pass away for something new to be born..." editor on and why the people have excellent taste: -

  9. Retweeted
    Nov 9

    Reader in a Lost World via @

  10. Retweeted
    Nov 12
  11. Nov 14
  12. Nov 14

    "If we’re lucky, we’ve killed a man. A self that has to pass away for something new to be born..." editor on and why the people have excellent taste: -

  13. Nov 13
    This Tweet is unavailable.
  14. Nov 12
  15. Nov 12
  16. Retweeted
    Nov 9

    This is a gorgeous piece: "We feel with another, we think with another, and that is a large part of why we read. To escape the self. To expand the self. To know and experience more and more. “Life piled on life were all too little . . ."

  17. Retweeted
    Nov 9

    Writing a poem about and feeling strange blazes of bravado and arrogance surging through veins made timid by academic neatness...Maybe the old man is hovering about, hooting encouragement...

  18. Nov 9

    Reader in a Lost World via @

  19. Nov 9
  20. Nov 9

    Does Law Disdain Literature? via @


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