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  2. Too many fires folks, too many. This is one of the favorite islamic attacks we would be fools to not think it's them.

  3. 'Sham' US embassy in Ghana issued fake visas for a decade... So, are we deporting the criminals who used them?

  4. German trial reveals migrants who are muslims plotted to kill children with poisoned ice cream -let's bring more.

  5. NEW: Police say nothing to suggest man w/gun at Comet Ping Pong had anything to do with threats.

  6. Head of ISIS branch in North Russia Rustan Magomedovich Aselderov (Abu Muhammad) killed. God Bless Putin.

  7. fun with . We're clearly not professionals, but we had some fun with it.

  8. Will Austria survive or continue as something else? Voting for 3rd time after anti islamic party keeps winning.

  9. Sure are A LOT of mosques in Cambridge Massachusetts & Oakland California.

  10. "The best way though stop Trump"... We obviously unstoppable folks if ya can't beat em, join em. is accepting reformed libs.

  11. Trump forms advisory group of America's top business leaders. Appears that job creators will have a direct line to the president.

  12. Our is back!! This is our 1st Prize this week. To win this prize you must follow us, like and retweet this post!

  13. Gen. Mattis is Defense Secretary sends a very clear message. Trump ain't playing time to repent boys, change your ways America coming 4U.

  14. Hey guys, check out the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad cover I just did with the awesome !

  15. My Dad always told me "Do what you love and the money will follow."

  16. flags sending message to outside temporary home. Neighbors say more are coming.

  17. What a treat. thanked me for standing on principle & I thanked her for standing up to Trump!

  18. As Merkel Campaigns for Re-election Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany rise by 200 per cent in one year.

  19. We don't have enough wreaths to hang on every grave n Arlington Cemetery please consider donating at .

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