Nikki HaleyVerified account


United States Ambassador to the United Nations

New York, NY
Joined May 2009


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  1. 9 hours ago

    We stand united in prayer and strength with our brothers and sisters in London. Hate won't win.

  2. Jun 3

    After taping two Sunday shows, we had a great start to this beautiful Saturday!

  3. Retweeted
    Jun 2
  4. Retweeted
    Jun 2

    ~ "NorthKorea missiles are a threat to international peace and security..the international community must respond to the threat"

  5. Retweeted
    Jun 2

    This Sunday on will interview the US Ambassador to the United Nations . Tune in!

  6. Jun 2
  7. Jun 1

    Today we debriefed some of our NGO partners on our trip. We discussed the needs of Syrian refugees & ways we meet those needs moving forward

  8. Retweeted
    Jun 1

    Many simply "want to go home" says Amb. . Watch my exclusive:

  9. Jun 1

    We sat down with to discuss our trip visiting Syrian refugees. Read more and watch the interview, here:

  10. Retweeted
    May 31

    .: "We care as much about the climate as we do about jobs - there's a way to balance it."

  11. May 31

    Productive meeting w/ Kuwait's Foreign Minister- discussing ways to defeat ISIS & to find peaceful solutions to conflicts in the Middle East

  12. Retweeted
    May 30

    .: “Everything I’ve done leading up to this point has always been about diplomacy.”

  13. Retweeted
    May 30

    ~ Syria SecCo "Humanitarian aid continues to be blocked by the government Russia looks the other way"

  14. Retweeted
    May 30

    ICYMI: Amb has her own ideas about what 'America First' means, as seen on her trip to Turkey & Jordan

  15. May 30

    A fun filled weekend with extended family, including this sweet little one!

  16. May 29

    Today and every day....may we never forget. 🇺🇸

  17. May 28

    Thank you to this awesome team for their work during our Jordan/Turkey trip.Onto the next steps by US & UN on Syria.

  18. Retweeted
    May 28

    Without love we don't feel anything. Without dreams we don't accomplish anything. Without God we aren't anything.

  19. May 27

    The faces, we don't always see, who have suffered from the conflict in Syria

  20. May 26

    Hugs are good for the soul

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