Finding My Passion

KZSU. A look at some of the letter B artists from the Jazz section of the radio station's vinyl record collection. Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service

Finding My Passion

"Knowing that I was considered “good enough” to represent Stanford on its airwaves gave me a sense of belonging, responsibility, and community involvement."  

- Allie, '14

How did you find your passion?

Early freshman year, I was anxious that I had not yet found my burning passion. “Passion” – what a buzz word. Being immersed in a campus of world-class athletes and performers, I felt my passions were a bit inconsequential and trivial. While comfortable being a freshman, I wanted to find a place outside my dorm and the classroom, too. I auditioned for a couple student performance groups and, though I am a generally positive person, was slightly discouraged by my friendly rejections, which I understood as past and future Broadway stars were also contenders for the few spots. Though not my first disappointments, they still stung! Reflecting, I reviewed my excitedly scribbled notes from Admit Weekend and saw the free bumper sticker from the KZSU booth. That week, bolstered by a friend who shared a love for great music, I looked into becoming a KZSU DJ, and after taking a few workshop classes, I was on the air. Knowing that I was considered “good enough” to represent Stanford on its airwaves gave me a sense of belonging, responsibility, and community involvement. Later in the year, I was ecstatic to also join Dance Marathon (DM), after the DM team encouraged anyone to join as they tabled at NSO, where I received a sweet free T-shirt (notice a pattern here?!). DM provided me another opportunity to extend my reach and connections, through a shared “passion” of service, by working with the DM team and rallying my dorm-mates to also participate. While selective clubs are fantastic, student groups like KZSU and DM with their open arms, camaraderie, and sick swag, are such an important part of the Stanford experience. Ultimately, I joined Flying Treehouse, a drama group serving elementary schools, from which I have gained another group T-shirt (woot!). Flying Treehouse combined my passions of music, performance, and service, and from sophomore year until graduation, I served as a member and later, a leader. I am so grateful that I found KZSU, DM, and Flying Treehouse, and they encouraged me, at a time when I still felt like one small voice of many, to begin to find my voice at Stanford and the confidence to let it sing.

Student Bio
Allison Fijolek

Science, Technology, and Society
Class of 2014