My Favorite Course Freshman Year

Students participate in ESF 1/1A: The Active, Inquiring, Beautiful Life  by Linda Cicero via SALLIE

My Favorite Course Freshman Year

"I suggest [Econ 102A] because it makes you feel supported at an incredibly overwhelming point in your academic career." 

- Clara Meister, '17 

What was your favorite course freshman year?

"My favorite course freshman year was one that I ended up in by default. I had no intention of taking it until about an hour before I enrolled. At the beginning of fall quarter my freshman year, I needed another class to get myself above the 12 unit threshold. All the classes I wanted to take seemed to be at the same time so I had to look for other options. I started exploring courses in the Economics department, since I was considering Econ as my major, and stumbled across Econ 102A--Introduction to Statistical Methods. Finally I had found something that I had all the prerequisites for and that fit into my schedule. I decided on a whim to enroll because the first day of classes was approaching. On our first lecture, our instructor, Scott McKeon, walked out onto the stage and gave a lighthearted, entertaining overview of what his class would entail. He dismissed us ahead of schedule and stayed after class to speak to any students that had questions. Scott, as he insisted we call him, turned out to be a funny, available, and extremely invested instructor. He prepared lecture notes, explained concepts in detail, and genuinely seemed to enjoy teaching. The students in Econ 102A might not have enjoyed math or statistics, but Scott made the subject approachable and relevant. I suggest Econ 102A (if Scott is teaching it) partly because basic statistical methods should be part of everyone’s repertoire, but more importantly, I suggest it because it makes you feel supported at an incredibly overwhelming point in your academic career."

Student Bio
Clara Meister

Mathematical and Computational Science
Class of 2017