Pre-Major Advisors

About Pre-Major Advisors

The Pre-Major Advisor (PMA) is a Stanford faculty or staff member who volunteers to advise up to six incoming students from the time they arrive at Stanford until they declare a major. You will meet your PMA for the first time during NSO; after that, you will meet once each quarter until you declare.

By virtue of the fact that they are volunteers, you will find that the PMAs are some of the friendliest and most generous members of the Stanford community. Your PMA can help you imagine opportunities that may not even be on your radar, or assist you in making thoughtful choices about your academic career as it relates to your goals and values. Because each individual PMA advises through the lens of their role here at Stanford, your PMA may facilitate your connection with the University by helping you build the relationships that are a vital part of the Stanford experience. In short, their role is to inspire you to embrace your Stanford journey with the full depth of your curiosity. We asked a few PMAs to discuss why they volunteer, and you can read their stories on Cardinal Compass.

You will have a number of advisors here at Stanford, and while you can count on your advisors to give you accurate information (or to point you toward someone who can) no single individual is every going to have all the answers. The way to get the most out of advising here at Stanford is if you approach it as an activity you participate in by asking questions, listening to different viewpoints and perspectives, weighing options, imagining possibilities, identifying and connecting with resources, and making thoughtful decisions.

If you're not sure who your Pre-Major Advisor is or if you have difficulty connecting with her or him, contact your Academic Advising Director.

Partnering with your PMA

Your relationship with your Pre-Major Advisor is a partnership that is ideally characterized by mutual engagement and responsiveness, built through an ongoing advising conversation that takes place during your regularl quarterly meetings.  In these meetings, your PMA may serve as a resource, a sounding board, a mentor, and as an important connection to the Stanford community. To make this partnership a success, you should strive to:

  • Ask questions, and understand that advising is something you participate in, not something you passively accept.
  • Listen to advice, weigh options, and make mindful choices.
  • Be flexible and open to new options, opportunities, or possibilities.
  • Be honest.
  • Ask for help.
  • Follow up on decisions or ideas by taking action (and responsibility).

Learn More about Pre-Major Advising