Pre-Professional Advisors

About Pre-Professional Advisors

Stanford’s Pre-Professional Advisors offer specialized advice to students with pre-professional interests. These include pre-law, pre-health, pre-education, and pre-business. Pre-Professional Advisors can assist students with considering a future in a pre-professional field and selecting the appropriate coursework to complete their pre-health requirements and/or to qualify for other post-graduate professional study. They can offer direction when it comes to related standardized examinations (e.g. LSAT, MCAT, GMAT) as well as offer support and guidance to students in all fields as they prepare for and go through the application process.

While students are able to meet with Pre-Professional Advisors as early as would be helpful, students generally will not meet with Pre-Professional Advisors until their Sophomore or Junior year - once they have already taken the preliminary courses necessary for their major field of study and are starting to solidify their post-graduate plans.

Meeting Pre-Professional Advisors

Pre-Professional Advisors are available for appointments in Sweet Hall.

You may want to make an appointment with a Pre-Professional Advisor in order to:

  • Learn more about post-graduate options and opportunities in pre-law, pre-health, pre-education, or  pre-business
  • Explore possible on- and off-campus opportunities for engagement in and experience with the pre-professional fields
  • Discuss pre-med requirements and how you can best fulfill them given your specific interests and goals
  • Consider different schools and programs of potential interest to you
  • Discover which tests you should take to apply to the professional school of your choice
  • Demystify the application process