Channel Tree News Exclusive: Who Killed Meyer Library?

Channel Tree News Exclusive: Who Killed Meyer Library?

The Channel Tree News team takes a look at the life and eventual murder of one Stanford's most treasured mentors and icons: the J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library. Utilizing the medium paved by Chevy Chase on the Weekend Update and Jon Stewart on the Daily show, the Channel Tree News team is sure to make your eyes burst out in pathetic tears as we unearth the secrets of Meyer Library's family, childhood, and eventual collapse into Charlie-Sheen-like angel dust. 

This project was made in conjunction with THINK 49, “Stories Everywhere!”, a class dedicated to teaching the fundamental value of storytelling forms, encompassing graphic novels, audio podcasts, and even exclusive news reports. Channel Tree News will be a student group in the fall of 2016, dedicated to the same level of earnest, hard-hitting journalism.

Student Bio
Sam Weyen

Sam Weyen (News Anchor, Writer, Editor): Sam is a member of the class of 2018, currently trying to swim out of the abyss that is “undeclared major.” Sam is interested in public policy, writing, and business, but hopes to one day join the ranks of Jimmy Fallon, Conan Obrien, and Stephen Colbert as the host of his own talk show. On campus, Sam is an active participant in Ram’s Head Theatrical Society and the Stanford Conservative Society. Sam is from Suwanee, GA, is a disciple of Brian Jacques, A. A. Milne, and Jesus Christ, and above all else wants you to know that this video—while vain and silly and strewn together—has been made just for you.

Annalee Monroe

Annalee Monroe (Investigative Reporter, Writer): Annalee is a member of the class of 2018 and interested in public policy/political science. She enjoys writing, playing piano, and listening to Broadway musical soundtracks. At Stanford, she is involved in Circle K, Cardinal Nights, and Math Magic. She loves working to improve the welfare of local communities and policy-making at local and federal government levels. After Stanford, she hopes to go to work in D.C. and travel to every state in the U.S.!

Connor Asercion

Connor Asercion (Technician, Writer): Connor is a member of the class of 2018 who has not yet declared a major. A Bay Area native, he grew up in a culture enriched by both technology and the arts; as a result, his interests include digital illustration, web media, and technical theatre (with an emphasis in Stage Management). He is currently a member of multiple theatre groups on campus, and has worked on several shows over his first three quarters at Stanford. He is particularly fond of tea and puns.