ChargeCycle: Charging AA Batteries with Pedal Power

Technical diagram from student's notes.

ChargeCycle: Charging AA Batteries with Pedal Power

Our group's project is from the freshmen IntroSem, The Art and Science of Engineering Design, taught by Professor Andrea Goldsmith and Dr. My Le. Our goal is to provide clean, green energy to communities without electricity or a consistent source of light. Today, over 1.2 billion people (20% of the world's population) are still without access to electricity worldwide, almost all of who live in developing countries.  ChargeCycle will attempt to provide for this need using bicycles and pedal power. Although products currently exist and provide electricity by harnessing the rotational motion of the wheel, our group has recognized some flaws in these designs and has attempted to provide a product that provides a more efficient and effective method. Our product will harness the energy generated by a bicycle rider to charge AA batteries or power a USB port. The design will be elegant, compact and effective, providing the user a method for charging AA batteries or any other device using a USB port. 

What The Instructor Had to Say

Course: The Art and Science of Engineering Design (EE 15N)
Instructor: Professor Andrea Goldsmith and Dr. My Le

View Aaron and Jamie's project

Student Bio
Aaron Oro, '16
Aaron Oro, '16

Aaron Oro is a sophomore majoring Mechanical Engineering. Born in Menlo Park, California, Aaron attended Menlo-Atherton High School and didn’t have to travel far to come to Stanford. At Stanford, Aaron is a member of the Men’s Club Soccer team and is a part of Design for America, a product design, project-based student group on campus. Aaron hopes to one day create impactful products, meshing the technical skills of a mechanical engineer with the user-centered focus of a designer. In his free time, Aaron enjoys going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and spending time outdoors. 

Jamie Young, '16
Jamie Young, '16

Jamie Young is currently a sophomore who is looking to major in either Mechanical Engineering or Geologic and Environmental Sciences. Born in Quito, Ecuador, he grew up in Dallas, Texas where he attended Highland Park High School. Since enrolling in Stanford, he has become an active member of the Stanford Men’s Club Soccer team and currently lives in Castaño Hall. After life at Stanford, Jamie simply hopes to pursue something he loves while being beneficial to society. Outside of school and soccer, Jamie enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends and family.