The Science of MythBusters, Thinking Matters 101

Converted peanut butter jar, from The Science of MythBusters class, THINK: 1.

The Science of MythBusters, Thinking Matters 101

As part of THINK1: The Science of MythBusters, students built small piezoelectric devices (“piezo poppers”) in which a small spark ignites an alcohol-based fuel inside a film canister, launching the film canister into the air. After building a custom-modified launcher, students used their piezo poppers to see how variables like launch angle and fuel type affected the distance the canister traveled, applying statistical tools learned in class. Students then worked in teams to modify relevant variables and optimize their launch distances. This quarter-long hands-on project emphasized key aspects of scientific inquiry including experimental design and re-design, quantitative analysis, collaborative learning, and communication of results. The project culminated in a two-day competition (shown here) to see which team’s custom-modified alcohol-powered film canister traveled the farthest.

Project Video

Course:The Science of MythBusters (THINK 1)
Instructor: Professors Steve Block, Vijay Pande, and Jan Skotheim

Read more about The Science of MythBusters