
Tom Freeland teaches CTL 115, Voice Workshop.

Our courses offer a comprehensive approach to speech communication that includes training in the fundamental principles of public speaking and the effective delivery of oral presentations. With the goal of enhancing students' general facility and confidence in oral expression, the program provides innovative, discipline-based instruction to help students refine their personal speaking styles in small groups and classroom settings.


ORALCOMM 105: Voice and Articulation Intensive for Non-Native English Speakers
1-2 units; Winter

Intensive workshop focusing on exercises designed to help foreign students improve their articulation and delivery in English. Work will include: breath, sound, enunciation, melody, and colloquialism.

ORALCOMM 115/215: Voice Workshop
1 unit; Autumn, Spring

An innovative workshop focusing on breath, voice production, expansion of vocal range and stamina, and clarity of articulation. Geared toward public speaking generally: presentations, lectures, job talks, etc. Can be taken in conjunction with ORALCOMM 117.

ORALCOMM 117/217: The Art of Effective Speaking
3 units; Autumn

Through formal and informal speaking activities, students develop skills in framing and articulating ideas through speech. Strategies are presented for impromptu speaking, preparing and delivering presentations, formulating persuasive arguments, refining clarity of thought, and enhancing confidence in oral self-expression.

OralComm 119:  Oral Communication Tutor Teaching Practicum
2 units; Spring

Seminar. For students with a strong background in public speaking who wish to train as public speaking tutors for the Oral Communication Program. Readings, exercises, and supervised teaching refine speaking skills. Preparation to serve as a peer tutor in a variety of academic disciplines. Prerequisite: application and consent of instructor. Course was previously offered as CTL 119.

Oralcomm 121/221: STEM Speak: Oral Communication for Technical Fields
3 units; Winter

This course addresses the principles and practices of effective oral communication and is tailored specifically to those students coming from STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields.  Students will learn to speak about technical topics to a variety of audiences, will develop their own visual aids, will participate in multiple in-class presentations and will receive both group and one-on-one feedback throughout this course.   Special attention will be paid to the effective presentation of data as part of an oral presentation.  

ORALCOMM 177: Performance of Power: Oratory and Authority from the Ancient World to the Postmodern
4 units; Winter

Speech as action has long been seen as essential to leadership. Theories and examples of oratory, from Aristotle to Barack Obama, assessing each as model of voice-activated authority. The impact of mass media technologies as they transform the public space of oratory. Course was previously offered as CTL 177.

ORALCOMM 219: Oral Communication for Graduate Students
1-3 units; Summer

This course addresses a range of graduate student speaking activities such as teaching, giving professional presentations and conference papers, and preparing for orals or theses defenses. In-class projects, discussion, and individual evaluation assist students in developing effective techniques for improving oral communication skills.

Explore Courses

To view current course listings, search ORALCOMM in ExploreCourses.  Please note: prior to Autumn 2013, Oral Communication Program courses were listed under the catalog CTL.