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Some helpful Urban Studies links at the university and around the world.

Stanford Urban Studies Resources

CCSRE Public Policy Leadership Institute - Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity's two-week long residence-based seminar provides students with exposure to major public policy issues directly affecting ethnic and racial groups in the United States. 

Center on Poverty and Inequality: The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI), one of three National Poverty Centers, is a nonpartisan research center dedicated to monitoring trends in poverty and inequality, explaining what's driving those trends, and developing science-based policy on poverty and inequality.  

Critical Urbanisms (formerly Stanford-Berkeley CityGroup)  - Critical Urbanisms provides a space in which researchers from a variety of fields can share their own work, collaborate on projects, and discuss critical shifts in urban studies. 

Forma Urbis Romae: The Severan Marble Plan, an enormous marble map of Rome dating to ca. 200 CE,  is a key resource for the study of ancient Rome, but only 10-15% of the map survives, broken into 1,186 pieces.  Now, computer scientists and archaeologists at Stanford are employing digital technologies to try to reconstruct the map.

The John W. Gardner Center for Youth and their Communities: The John W. Gardner Center partners with communities to develop leadership, conduct research, and effect change to improve the lives of youth.

Market Street Chinatown Archaeological Project: A research and education program developed to catalog, analyze, report, and curate a remarkable collection of artifacts that were excavated in 1985-1988 in downtown San Jose, at the site where the city's Chinatown was burned in an arson fire in 1887. 

Spatial History Project  - The project brings together scholars working on projects at the intersection of geography and history using techniques from the digital humanities.

Stanford Geospatial CenterThe Stanford Geospatial Center (SGC) is dedicated to supporting all faculty, students, and staff with their GIS needs free of charge. To achieve this, we provide access to geospatial data, digital map services, and geographic information systems (GIS).

Stanford in New York City: Stanford's newest off-campus program will launch in fall of 2015, and will feature Urban Studies as one if its core areas of focus.

Urban Beyond Measure: Urban Beyond Measure is an initiative at Stanford that aims to focus critical attention on the many ways of knowing, gauging, divining, imagining, and accounting for the social reality that operates within cities. 
Urbanter: The student blog of the Urban Studies program.

Research and Reference

HUD USER - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s primary source for federal government reports and information on housing policy and programs, economic development, urban planning, and related topics.

Maps of U.S. and World Cities - From the University of Texas library.  If you can’t find it here, they have an excellent set of links to other map sites.

Social Explorer - Provides easy access to current and historic census data, through interactive maps as well as tabular reports.

Stanford Libraries - Urban Studies Topic Guide – An excellent starting place for research in Urban Studies at Stanford.  Includes sources available online and in Stanford libraries.

(The) Urban Portal- a one-stop resource for scholars and others interested in urban social science, broadly defined.

Opinion, News, and Information

Archinect - A one-stop trip for those interested in architecture and urban design. Search here for architectural/design books and read up on current happenings. Also provides index of more architectural links on topics including grad schools, art supplies, job openings, and competitions.

CityLab: Formerly Atlantic Cities. Through original reporting, sharp analysis, and visual storytelling, CityLab informs and inspires the people who are creating the cities of the future—and those who want to live there.

Cyberhood - The creators of Cyberhood aim to make it a place where students, scholars, practitioners, and activists from across the racial and class divide can find one another and build meaningful relationships. They believe the building of such connections will strengthen the struggle to understand and transform inner cities and the metropolitan regions of which they are a part.

Cyburbia - Internet Resources for the Built Environment - The Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center contains a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, urbanism and other topics related to the built environment. Cyburbia also contains information about architecture and planning, related mailing lists, and Usenet newsgroups, and hosts several interactive message areas.

Next American City - Self-described as "a national quarterly magazine about making cities better. We observe, document and conceive realistic solutions about how to improve cities."  Exists both in print and online. Published by a 501(c) (3) non-profit.

Planetizen  - A public interest information exchange providing news, commentary, job listings, and more in the field of urban planning.

Planners Web - A journal for “citizen planners”—non-professional planners who sit on local zoning and planning boards.

Streetsblog:  Streetsblog is a daily news source connecting people to information about sustainable transportation and livable communities.  It has sites for a number of cities, including San Francisco.

Local (Bay Area) Organizations

Association of Bay Area Governments – The regional planning agency for the Bay Area.

SPUR: San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association – A San Francisco public policy think-tank whose mission is “to promote good planning and good government.”

Urban Ecology – San Francisco organization dedicated to using planning, design, and policy to create sustainable and fair neighborhoods.

Urban Habitat – Oakland organization dedicated to empowering low-income communities through research, advocacy, and coalition building.

National Organizations

American Planning Association– The leading nonprofit public interest and research organization committed to urban, suburban, regional, and rural planning.

American Society of Landscape Architects - The official site for the professional organization of landscape architects.

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning - ACSP is a consortium of university-based programs offering credentials in urban and regional planning. 

Congress for New Urbanism - Site espouses the ideals of New Urbanism. Read here for historic background, news, events, competitions, forums and task forces.

National League of Cities – Advocates for cities and towns through lobbying, media relations and grassroots campaigns.

Project for Public Spaces – A non-profit dedicated to promoting community-building public spaces.

Urban Affairs Association - The international professional organization for urban scholars, researchers, and public service providers.

Urban Institute – An economic and social policy research organization.

Urban Land Institute - The Urban Land Institute provides leadership in the responsible use of land to enhance the total environment. Issues include finance, housing, transportation, and urban revitalization.

Urban League – A national organization advocating civil rights and economic empowerment for African Americans.

U.S. Conference of Mayors - The official nonpartisan association of U.S. cities with a population of 30,000 or more.

International Organizations

United Nations HABITAT – The U.N.’s Human Settlements Programme.  Mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities, with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all.