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  1. How is the OCB different from the Office of Community Standards (OCS)?
    The OCB is used to help resolve instances of accused group conduct, whereas the OCS is set up to resolve instances of individual conduct. Moreover, the OCS is the Stanford office that handles/adjudicates student disciplinary issues. The OCB is the process the OCS uses to adjudicate disciplinary cases involving group conduct.
  2. How can I participate as a panelist on the OCB?
    Indicate your interest via our form.
  3. How much time is required of OCB panelists?
    Typical service of an OCB panelist includes a brief training session, followed by service on as many panels as you can volunteer for each academic year. Each panel typically requires 2-4 hours of time in one evening.
  4. How is information gathered after a complaint or concern against an RSO?
    The OCS has trained staff members who conduct OCB investigations. The review typically involves leaders of the accused group, witnesses of the incident, and relevant university staff.
  5. What are my responsibilities as an RSO leader in the OCB process?
    RSO leadership participates in the incident review, prepares the official “response letter," and attends the OCB hearing. The RSO leadership is also responsible for coordinating the completion of any sanctions imposed on the group.
  6. How do I report a complaint about or concern with an RSO?
    Contact Susan Fleischman.