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Graduate Program

All students contemplating application for admission to graduate study must have a creditable undergraduate record. The applicant need not have majored in Chinese or Japanese as an undergraduate, but must have had the equivalent of least three years of training in the language in which he or she intends to specialize, and must also demonstrate a command of English adequate for the pursuit of graduate study. Applicants should not wish merely to acquire or improve language skills, but to pursue study in one of the following fields: Chinese History (pre-modern), Chinese linguistics, Chinese literature, Chinese Philosophy, Japanese cultural history, Japanese literature and Japanese linguistics.

Graduate Program

›› Master of Arts
›› Admission Requirements
›› Ph.D.
    – Requirements
    – Candidacy
›› Ph.D. Minor
›› Graduate Handbook and Timeline
›› Graduate Students
›› Graduate Student Blog
›› TA Handbook
›› University Resource Guide

“Why am I glad to be a part of the EALC? That’s easy enough. The freedom (and resources) to pursue my own academic interests, professors equally attentive to the pursuit of knowledge and the practical exigencies of professional development, a supportive community of graduate students who continue to teach me new things on a daily basis, and opportunities to engage with contemporary authors and scholars hailing from all over the globe. If you have never thought that, say, Japanese linked verse from the 15th century or the popular literature of the early Showa Period could be exciting, I would ask you first to visit our doors.”

  Kevin Singleton, graduate student
East Asian Languages and Cultures