Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


A Shifting Approach to Saving Endangered Species »

October 5, 2015

Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily (Biology) discusses how the Endangered Species Act pits land users against conservationists.

By Erica Goode, New York Times

Your Brain on Nature »

July 30, 2015

Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily (Biology) discusses her research on how nature can improve well-being. 

By Brian Lehrer, WNYC / Brian Lehrer Show

How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain »

July 22, 2015

Features research co-authored by Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily (Biology) about how a walk in nature affects the brain.

By Gretchen Reynolds, New York Times / Well

Can You Prescribe Nature? »

July 8, 2015

Discusses research, co-authored by Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily (Biology) on the mental health benefits of time in nature

By Helen Briggs, BBC News

How Walking in Nature Prevents Depression »

June 30, 2015

Features research on nature's effect on rumination co-authored by Senior Fellow

By Olga Khazan, The Atlantic

New Research Suggests Nature Walks Are Good for Your Brain »

June 29, 2015

Discusses research co-authored by Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily

By Chris Mooney, Washington Post

New Study Challenges Old Thinking About Extinctions Worldwide »

April 22, 2014

Refers to study on bat diversity led by Ph.D. student Chase Mendenhall and co-authored by Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily

By Pete Spotts, Christian Science Monitor

Efforts to Curb Unbridled Grown That's Killing the Planet »

January 4, 2014

Quotes Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily on quiet efforts to include the value of nature in economic decision making

By Carolyn Lochhead, San Francisco Chronicle

Who Is Conservation For? »

November 10, 2013

An in-depth look at Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily's role in starting the Natural Capital Project to measure the value of nature

By Paul Voosen, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Population Growth Increases Climate Fear »

September 2, 2013

Mentions environmental consensus statement drafted by scientists including Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellows Gretchen Daily, Rodolfo Dirzo, Paul Ehrlich, Elizabeth Hadly, Harold Mooney, Rosam

By Carolyn Lochhead, San Francisco Chronicle

Using 'Nature as an Asset' to Balance Costa Rica's Farming With Preservation »

June 10, 2013

Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily is featured in PBS series about climate change's affect on the food system


Dialogues on the Environment: Q&A With Gretchen Daily »

April 17, 2013

Interview with Senior Fellow and Natural Capital Project Co-Director Gretchen Daily

By Mark Tercek, Huffington Post

The Next Frontier of IT-Enabled Systems Thinking »

April 8, 2013

Mentions Stanford's Natural Capital Project as a provider of an ecosystem services model that measures impacts on natural resources

By Sissel Waage,

Q&A: Gretchen Daily, Ecologist, on Quantifying Nature’s Value »

April 1, 2013

Gretchen Daily, a senior fellow at Stanford Woods Institute, explains how she measures the value of nature in this conversation with SmartPlanet.

By Pauline Beart, SmartPlanet

Putting a Price on Nature »

June 18, 2015

Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily emphasizes that, in natural capital accounting, economics are just part of a complex balance

By Anna Lieb, PBS NOVA Next

The Power of Green Space »

July 9, 2015

Features research co-authored by Woods Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily (Biology) about how a walk in nature affects the brain

By Phoebe Gavin,