
The Stanford Journal of International Affairs encourages reader response. Our readership includes research centers and universities across the globe, ranging from scholars to students. We welcome your commentary on our work at Letters may be published in our forthcoming issue with response from the relevant author or SJIR staff member.




Out of Focus: Zooming in on the Periphery

Spring 2014

The Spring 2014 issue takes on the issues that aren’t mainstream: from the “stateless state” of Transnistria, to mental illness in Japan, to the forgotten instrument of multilateral treaties.



Opportunities and Challenges:Regional Perspectives on Female Empowerment

Winter 2012


The Fall 2011 issue of the Stanford Journal of International Relations examines a wide range of issues in the arena of international politics. From the political developments surrounding the Iranian nuclear program to the public-private partnership attempting to spur innovation in Russia, the articles and columns tackle the attempts to balance a variety of conflicting issues and interests in the pursuit of development. The Journal launches a new feature with this issue, columns by staff on relevant international issues.



The Wealth and Freedom of Nations: Challenges Ahead

Winter 2011


Development and Disorder: Striking a Balance

Fall 2011