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 Treasury International Capital (TIC) System - Home Page

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Statistics - U.S. International Portfolio Investment

  1. Monthly TIC Press Releases and Archives of data releases. Press releases are available first at "Press Center".

  2. Securities data:
    1. Monthly Transactions in Long-term Securities between U.S. and foreign residents. (covers U.S. and foreign securities).

    2. Monthly Holdings of Securities (foreign holdings of U.S. securities, and U.S. holdings of foreign securities).
      Section A covers Major Foreign Holders of Treasuries; direct link to the MFH table.

    3. Annual reports on details of: foreign holdings of U.S. securities; and U.S. holdings of foreign securities.(cover long-term and short-term securities).

  3. U.S. Banking Data (reported by banks and all other financial firms) - monthly Liabilities to, and Claims on, foreign-residents.

  4. U.S. Derivatives Contracts - quarterly Holdings and Net Cash Settlements with foreign-residents.

  5. U.S. Nonfinancial Data (previously nonbanking) - quarterly Liabilities to, and Claims on, unaffiliated foreign-residents.

  6. Quarterly data on U.S. Gross External Debt.

TIC Forms & Instructions


Related External information

  1. EXTERNAL websites with data on U.S. BOP, IIP, and Financial Accounts
    • BEA reports the official U.S. Balance of Payments and U.S. International Investment Position (quarterly).
      The Survey of Current Business publishes detailed articles on these and other BEA statistics.
    • Federal Reserve reports (on its Economic Research and Data page) quarterly Financial Accounts of the United States.-Z.1 (formerly called the Flow of Funds Accounts of the U.S.).
    • Treasury Bulletin: archives of quarterly TIC data in its "Capital Movements" tables (before the March 2014 issue).
  2. Articles on TIC.


Notices and Announcements

  1. NEW (10-31-2017). The Final Report on U.S. Portfolio Holdings of Foreign Securities at End-year 2016 is available, along with the press release dated October 31, 2017, on part B of the Securities(c) webpage.

  2. (6-14-2017). Section D on the Securities(b) webpage provides new data on U.S. private holdings of foreign securities, by various subsectors of U.S. private holders and of foreign issuers.

  3. (4-28-2017). The Final Report on Foreign Portfolio Holdings of U.S. Securities at End-June 2016 is available on the Securities(c) webpage. Also available on that webpage is the Press Release, dated April 28, 2017, along with historical data and reports on previous surveys.

  4. (5-16-2016). Country data now replace certain aggregates (such as oil exporters and Caribbean banking centers) previously used in data on holdings of Treasury securities. See section A on the Securities(b) webpage. Also see the Press Release dated 5-16-2016.

  5. (4-15-2015) Starting with the April 15, 2015 release of monthly TIC data, the tables have been adjusted to cover a larger number of countries for data beginning in January 2015. The lists vary by data category; see the country list for each category, such as “Monthly Transactions in Long-term Securities”.


Alternative Navigation among TIC webpages
Last Updated: 10/31/2017 1:24 PM

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