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Partisan Records

E A G U L L S Play

Brash and opinionated, short and sharp, fast and furious, Leeds punk five piece Eagulls are the missing link in your record collection between post-punk and slacker rock, and every bit as essential as that description may sound.

John Grant Play

Everyone has a favorite band or singer they reckon is subject to criminal neglect. That John Grant's effortlessly rich, expansive baritone, couched in typically heartbreaking, lush melody, hasn't found a wider audience indeed drives his fans to consider a crime. But no longer.

Field Report Play

Chris Porterfield cut his musical teeth with DeYarmond Edison (other members were Justin Vernon/Bon Iver and Megafaun). After their breakup in 2006, Chris hung back in Wisconsin, thinking his career in music was over.
It was really just beginning.

Emily Wells Play

Emily Wells is a performer, producer, singer and composer known for her varied use of classical and modern instrumentation as well as her deft approach to live sampling at shows. Classically trained as a violinist, she also plays drums, keys, beat machines and whatever else she can fit in her road case.
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