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WHAT'S IN THE BOX ep. 2 | April '14 Lootcrate Unboxing | DRAGONS

5,307 views 5 days ago
Hi guys!

Remember, if you want to sign up for your own Loot Crate, it would be a lot to me if you would use my referral link! I am now partnered with Loot Crate which means I get my own custom url and discount code! :) (Remember that each month's crate is different!)
Here is my referral link: http://www.lootcrate.com/ra...
Discount code: rachelkip

I know that this video has a lot of cuts and is pretty heavily edited. I've had a sore throat for a while and by the end of filming this video, it was really really painful. Talking a lot doesn't help at all... it may seem like I wasn't as excited about this month's crate, but trust me, I was! I'm just not in top health so it's been bringing me down a bit. I also know the video is a bit late... I explain why in the video... bear with me!

Please let me know what you think of this video. I always enjoy reading comments, both the praise and the (constructively) critic. Remember to always be kind to others here in my comments section, or risk being thrown into the barricades! (Aka me blocking you from ever commenting here again.)

Thank you all for watching, as always! :D

Music Supplied by Monstercat Media: http://www.YouTube.com/Mons...
Artist Name: Feint, Fractal, PIXL, Insan3Lik3
Video Links: Phosphor https://www.youtube.com/wat..., Itvara https://www.youtube.com/wat..., Rat Twist https://www.youtube.com/wat..., We Are The Robots https://www.youtube.com/wat... Show less
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