Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

News and Press Releases: Climate

Research ship Oceanus

Solving an Ocean Mystery »

February 25, 2016

Stanford scientists discover intense ocean turbulence near sea floor in equatorial Pacific. Findings could help explain oceans circulation and improve future climate forecasts.

By Ker Than, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford

Climate and the Doomsday Clock »

January 28, 2016

By Steve Fyffe, Stanford News Service

California state capitol in Sacramento

Woods Researchers on Water Future »

January 22, 2016

Woods researchers testify on water reuse, climate change effects and water innovation at hearings of California’s Select Committee on Water Consumption and Alternative Sources.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

COP21: Climate Accord »

December 18, 2015

Stanford experts view landmark Paris climate agreement as a ‘foundation for future work’

By Paige Miller, Stanford Woods Institute

Student Osama El-Gabalawy interviews a farmer from Hollister, California, for an interactive map project on the effects of climate change

Interactive Tool Tells Story of Global Change »

December 16, 2015

Using first-person narratives, Stanford undergraduate students have created an interactive tool that shows how forces of global environmental change are manifested locally throughout...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A Time for Sea Change »

December 10, 2015

In the lead-up to the Paris climate talks, Center for Ocean Solutions experts explain why reducing carbon dioxide emissions is vital to both human and ocean health.

By Kristen Weiss, Center for Ocean Solutions

Illustration of proposed brick kiln pollution sensors to be funded by new Stanford seed grant program

Harnessing Sensors for Environmental Solutions  »

December 8, 2015

Stanford seed funding announced to spur use of sensors and big data to solve environmental challenges 

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A carbon dioxide-emitting natural gas flare at a North Dakota oil well

Global Fossil-Fuel Emissions Could Decline in 2015 »

December 7, 2015

An international research team reports that the rapid increase in global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels has slowed in the past two years, underlining the need for action to...

By Mark Shwartz, Stanford News Service

A still from trailer for "Tomorrow" documentary

Tomorrow: Solution Stories »

December 1, 2015

New documentary inspired by paper co-authored by Woods senior fellow shows way forward on environmental challenges

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

COP21: Informing Climate Agreement »

November 23, 2015

Decades of Stanford Research Underpin Global Climate Talks in Paris

By Leslie Willoughby, Stanford Woods Institute

solar panels and wind turbines

Underground Solution for Solar Energy Storage »

November 23, 2015

A common criticism of a total transition to wind, water and solar power is that the U.S. electrical grid can't affordably store enough standby electricity to keep the system stable...

By Dan Stober, Stanford News Service

Global Warming: Can World's Nations Agree on 2 Degrees? »

November 23, 2015

Stanford Woods Institute

Measuring Crop Yields From Space »

November 10, 2015

Stanford-led team uses satellites to measure a special light emitted by plants to estimate crop yields with more accuracy than ever before. This advance will help scientists study how...

By Laura Seaman, Center on Food Security and the Environment

Stanford's new energy facility

Stanford Statement on Climate Change »

October 28, 2015

With an international conference on climate change approaching, Stanford issues a call for global leaders to look to universities for solutions – and highlights steps Stanford has taken...

Stanford News Service

Yellow cedars show dieback in a stand south of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in Alaska.

Climate Change Requires New Conservation Models »

October 15, 2015

In a world transformed by climate change and human activity, Stanford scientists say that conserving biodiversity and protecting species will require an interdisciplinary combination of...

By Ker Than, Stanford School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences

Susan Rice

Climate Change as National Security Threat »

October 14, 2015

U.S. national security adviser Susan Rice calls climate change a "threat multiplier," advocates action.

By Clifton Parker, Stanford News Service

Chris Field, the U.S. nominee to head U.N. climate change organization

A Man for All Climates »

September 28, 2015

When it comes to climate change, Stanford climate scientist Chris Field sees the big picture, and distills complex details into a cohesive whole.

By Ker Than, School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford

A new Stanford study debunks a widely accepted view of a hiatus in the recent rate of global warming.

Global Warming 'Hiatus' Never Happened »

September 17, 2015

A new study reveals the evidence for a recent pause in the rate of global warming lacks a sound statistical basis. The finding highlights the importance of using appropriate statistical...

By Ker Than, Stanford News Service

El Niño Increases Likelihood of a Wet Winter »

September 11, 2015

The extraordinary strength of the present El Niño may lead to a particularly wet winter in California, but Noah Diffenbaugh and Daniel Swain say that it might not be enough to end...

By Bjorn Carey

Stanford Study: Pipeline Replacement Programs Effective »

September 9, 2015

Replacing older natural gas pipelines reduces leaks and improves consumer safety, according to research co-authored by Woods fellow

By Ker Than, Stanford News Service