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Regulate Precision Medicine Less And We Can Afford To Fund It Less

by Henry I. Millervia National Review
Friday, March 4, 2016

In a splashy White House event on February 25, President Obama once again touted his precision, or personalized, medicine initiative, which is intended to advance medicine’s new mantra, “The right dose of the right drug for the right patient at the right time.”


How A Trump Presidency Would Hurt American Incomes

by Timothy Kanevia The Federalist
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Under President Trump, things you buy will get a lot more expensive, your paycheck will shrink, health care will decline, and jobs will be even harder to find.

Analysis and Commentary

Premium Increase Insurance

by John H. Cochrane via Grumpy Economist
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Marginal Revolution and the Wall Street Journal both pass on a great quote from Warren Buffett: It’s understandable that the sponsor of the proxy proposal believes Berkshire is especially threatened by climate change because we are a huge insurer, covering all sorts of risks

In the News

Scalia’s Death Likely to Change SCOTUS Health Care Rulings

quoting Richard A. Epsteinvia Heartland Institute
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The death of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia could influence the outcome of health care-related cases the Court is scheduled to hear during its current term, which extends through June of this year.


Henry Miller On The John Batchelor Show (30:55)

interview with Henry I. Millervia The John Batchelor Show
Friday, February 19, 2016

Hoover Institution fellow Henry Miller discusses Brazil and the Zika virus and what can be done to stop the virus.

Analysis and Commentary

Will Zika Virus Be The Big Winner At The Summer Olympics?

by John Cohrssen, Henry I. Millervia Forbes
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This summer Brazil will host Olympiad XXXI. It could become a vast real-world experiment to test whether, how and to what extent Zika virus infection will be spread globally after the expected half million attendees return to their home countries.

Analysis and Commentary

Adam Cifu On Ending Medical Reversal

by Russell Robertsvia EconTalk
Monday, February 15, 2016

Why do so many medical practices that begin with such promise and confidence turn out to be either ineffective at best or harmful at worst? Adam Cifu of the University of Chicago's School of Medicine and co-author (Vinayak Prasad) of Ending Medical Reversal explores this question with EconTalk host Russ Roberts.


Henry Miller: Chipotle's Food-Safety Woes

interview with Henry I. Millervia NPR
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hoover Institution fellow Henry Miller discusses Chipotle's food-safety woes.

Analysis and Commentary

Bitten By The Unresponsive, Irresponsible FDA

by Henry I. Miller, Drew L. Kershenvia National Review
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Regulators are blocking innovative approaches to protecting us from Zika and other viruses.

Analysis and Commentary

The New York Times Exposes Death Panels

by Paul R. Gregoryvia What Paul Gregory Is Thinking About (Blog)
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sarah Palin was widely ridiculed for her use of “death panels” to describe the inevitable rationing of medical care under Obama Care.


Health Care Policy Working Group

The Working Group on Health Care Policy devises public policies that enable more Americans to get better value for their health care dollar and foster appropriate innovations that will extend and improve life.