The U.S. Is Many Different Communities When It Comes to Health

Even within a single county, health outcomes for residents can vary widely.

What Makes a Healthy Community?

A review of data on more than 3,000 counties shows that many social and physical factors – including low obesity, low smoking rates, strong pre-K education, and access to healthy foods and recreational spaces – contribute to the health of a community. Healthiest Communities, a platform built in collaboration with the Aetna Foundation and launching in March 2018, will examine all this and more.

What Goes Into the Rankings?

Healthiest Communities will examine community health, vitality, education, environment, infrastructure, economic factors, access to healthy foods, public safety and other aspects of community life. Below are just a few of the many metrics that will be utilized to determine the health of communities in the U.S. To learn more, visit our FAQ.

Primary Care Physicians

Urban communities with stronger economies have the most primary care physicians per 100,000 people, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


weaker, economy, urban


stronger, economy, rural


stronger, economy, urban


weaker, economy, rural


weaker economy, urban


stronger economy, rural


stronger economy, urban


weaker economy, rural

Obesity Rates

Urban communities with weaker economies have the greatest share of the adult population that is currently obese, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Life Expectancy

Urban communities with stronger economies have the longest average life expectancy at birth (in years), according to data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.


Health Insurance Coverage

Rural communities with weaker economies have the smallest share of the population that is covered by health insurance, according to U.S. Census and American Community Survey data.


stronger economy, urban


stronger economy, rural


weaker economy, urban


weaker economy, rural